
The Power of Divine Love
India is the probably the only country that has an unbroken link with ancient traditions and culture, rooted in the basic human values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa. This continuity has been sustained through millennia by saints and ...

Sri Sathya Sai 80th Year of Advent
Baba is above all religions and wants everyone to have full faith in his or her religion. Thus, he wants a Christian to be a good Christian, a Muslim to be a good Muslim and so on. ...

The End of Education is Character
Until about fifty years ago, educational establishments everywhere regarded character development and training students to be good citizens as very high in their list of priorities. Lately, however, the stress has shifted almost exclusively to ...

Water, the Elixir of life
Anantapur District in which Puttaparthi is located, is arid and drought-prone. Ground water is scarce, and where available, has an unacceptable level of flouride that causes bone deformities and dental disorders. For decades, the villagers of ...

Healing with Love and Compassion
One of the great ironies of modern times is that even as medical science moves forward by leaps and bounds, the percentage of people who can afford good health care is constantly decreasing. Especially in India, we have the strange situation of ...


Love all Serve All



Where do we go from here?
The twentieth century has been described as the age of Science and Technology while the present century, experts variously forecast, might well be the information age, the knowledge age or the age of genetic design. Progress has no doubt been ...




Lokaa Samasta Sukhino Bhavanthu: Photo Feature
As the pictures here show, the call of loving and selfless service evokes the noblest of feelings. Thus, during the tsunami Sai volunteers worked tirelessly to retrieve and move dead bodies. Inspired by this, a Policeman on duty donned the Seva ...


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