Sri Sathya Sai 80th Year of Advent  Index


This Stupa in celebration of some of the major religions, stands tall in Baba's Ashram as a reminder that God is only one, though called by many names.


Baba is above all religions and wants everyone to have full faith in his or her religion. Thus, he wants a Christian to be a good Christian, a Muslim to be a good Muslim and so on.



H.E. Shaikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, of UAE, seen with Baba, during a recent visit to Puttaparthi.







In the forties, this is how it began - a handful of people on the sands of a small river flowing through an unknown and remote hamlet.




The Sarva Dharma Logo of Sri Sathya Sai Organisation





Baba's love and compassion are constantly in action. On the left above may be seen a school that was literally running on the street. When Baba heard of it, he built a building for the school to function (left). On top is an entire village with over a hundred houses that Baba built, to accommodate destitute women with children to look after. Baba also deposited Rs. 1 Lakh in the name of each family, the interest serving as a modest income.

















In December 1997, a ODI match was played in Puttaparthi celebrating global unity and harmony. Above, Sunil Gavaskar may be seen compering the concluding function. Between him and Baba are Haneef Mohammed and Zaheer Abbas of Pakistan.




Sachin Tendulkar is receiving some special advice!




This is a view of the crowd that gathered to celebrate Baba's 70th Birthday in 1995. Even a stadium could not quite hold the crowd that had gathered. Chitravati river that formed the starting point is seen as a small ribbon in the background.





Here is an extraordinary example of how Baba's Love draws people to him in remarkable ways. Gen. Suleiman Dawood is an Iraqi who for many years served as the Chief of Baghdad Police. In 1977 he left the country, living in exile first in Turkey and then in Bulgaria. After the recent regime change in Iraq, he returned with his wife to his native land, only to find it in turmoil. Deeply pained by the violence he saw, Gen. Dawood kept on praying to Allah. One day in March 2004, he heard a voice saying, "Go to India." At first he ignored the voice, thinking it was a hallucination. But when the call became persistent, he decided to go to India. Propelled by the inner urge, Gen. Dawood and his wife traveled by train, bus and taxi through Iraq, Iran and Pakistan, ending up in Amritsar. There they were advised to go South. Eventually they arrived in Puttaparthi, 24 days after leaving Baghdad. At the Puttaparthi Railway Station, Dawood took one look at Baba's photo and instantly realised that he had come to the right place. Love is an unfailing compass.



Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Islamic scholar, New Delhi




Rabbi David Zeller, a Jewish Scholar from Israel




Sri Ahangamage Tudor Ariyaratne, Buddhist Scholar from Sri Lanka


During the Gurupoornima celebrations this year there was a Unity of Faiths Meeting in Puttaparthi. Above may be seen scholars explaining the importance of Love in various religions.


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