
Lokaa Samasta Sukhino Bhavanthu: Photo Feature 


As the pictures here show, the call of loving and selfless service evokes the noblest of feelings. Thus, during the tsunami Sai volunteers worked tirelessly to retrieve and move dead bodies. Inspired by this, a Policeman on duty donned the Seva Dal scarf to participate in food distribution. So on it goes, all over the world, voluteers spreading the Love of Baba. The hunger for Selfless Love is universal, existing even in affluent countries, and Baba's Love reaches everywhere. True Love originates in the Heart and knows no boundaries nor any barriers. Pure Love is the only sure answer to most of today's problems. It is already latent in every Heart; all that is needed is for individuals to unleash it, and Baba has shown how.



Tamil Nadu - Tsunami relief




Tamil Nadu - Tsunami relief




Kerala - Service to Tribals




Kerala - Service to Tribals




Madhya Pradesh - Road Building




Greece - Food distribution




West Bengal - River bed cleaning




Nigeria - Leprosy Camp




Indonesia - Tsunami relief







Panama - Medical Camp


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