Have faith
in your God
Please teach
me to be
is growing
I look into
Your Eyes

I look into Your Eyes
I look into Your Eyes and I am flying away
beyond the mind and the buddhi
I feel Eternaty and Love all over in play
and I know that everything is okay
I look into the sky and I suddenly stay
in the land that I am longing for
I feel Your Love and I am melting away
and I know that everything is okay
I look into my heart - feeling You there
as the softest feeling ever felt
I feel the warmth and I love everybody here
and I know that everything is okay
I hear Your words and I am feeling the Truth
from the purest words ever said
I feel and recognise their simplicity
and I know that everything is okay
I sit in the sunset - I am longing for You
I wish I could make this moment stay
I feel Your Greatness in this orange light
and I know that everything is okay
I love Your Form as the Quietness
I love Your Form as Eternaty
I love Your Form as Sathya Sai Baba
Poem submitted
by Inge Lise
www.saibabaofindia.com |