
Man is enslaved by money. He lives a superficial, hollow, artificial life. This is indeed a great pity. Man should seek only as much money as is most essential for his living. The quantity of riches one must earn can be compared to the shoes one wears; if too small, they cause pain; if too big, they are a hindrance to physical and mental comfort. When we have more, it breeds pride, sloth, and contempt for others. In pursuit of money, man descends to the level of the beast. Money is the nature of manure. Piled up in one place, it pollutes the air. Spread it wide; scatter it over fields; it rewards you with bumper harvest. So too, when money is spent in all four quarters for promoting good works, it yields contentment and happiness in plenty.

-Sai Baba

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* The picture of  mock Visa credit card is simply a graphic fictitious image and does not represent any bank or VISA.