GLOBAL ONLINE DIVINE SATANGH ( G. O. D. S. ) TEXT OF THE SATSANGH HELD ON THURSDAY 22-06-2006 AT 10.00 PM Sai Ram dear Brothers and sisiters galaxyandromeda22: hi sairam PRATAP THAKKER: loving sairams to all\ gayathri swaminathan has joined the conference. galaxyandromeda22: sairam to all ramprasad: Sai Ram Dear Brothers and Sisters ramprasad: prema Swaroopulara... galaxyandromeda22: sairam ramprasadji gayathri swaminathan: sairam to all of u. PRATAP THAKKER: V SHALL BEGIN A A MIN BY 3 AUMKARS galaxyandromeda22: sayam gayathri sister ramprasad: Sree Ganeshaya Namaha..... Sree Sainathaya namaha galaxyandromeda22: sree Gameshaya namaha sree sainathaya namaha PRATAP THAKKER: aummmmmmm.......................... galaxyandromeda22: aummmmmmmmmmmmmmm PRATAP THAKKER: aauuummmmmm.............. galaxyandromeda22: aummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PRATAP THAKKER: aaauuuuummmmmmm............................................... G Balasubramanian: SAI RAM,we are continuing the discussion on Ego.. What is Ego? Let us discuss a little about this before we go to the topic as to how ego is a hindrance. I hope you all will agree. SAI RAM galaxyandromeda22: aummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PRATAP THAKKER: the topic is the same as last week...continuation ramprasad: Aummmmmmmmmmm.................Aummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................................Aummmmmmm PRATAP THAKKER: WHT IS EGO galaxyandromeda22: sai ram we agree PRATAP THAKKER: HOW IS IT A HINDRANCE IN GOD REALISSATION PRATAP THAKKER: AND HOW TO OVERCOME IT PRATAP THAKKER: YES UNCLE galaxyandromeda22: Ego is concentrated "I"ness PRATAP THAKKER: FIRST PRATAP THAKKER: wht is ego G Balasubramanian: Ego is separativity and individuality which can not exist with the feeling of oneness and universality. The ego deals only with the person and his possessions galaxyandromeda22: Have to let it go kuta17: No, thank you. Yahoo! Messenger with Voice: kuta17 has declined to join. galaxyandromeda22: disconnect from I and all that belongs or is the I PRATAP THAKKER: hhmm G Balasubramanian: It manifests itself in various forms of pride-pride of physical strength,intellectual pride, the arrogance of wealth and the like galaxyandromeda22: i am joining u gayathri swaminathan: EGO is Edging God Out PRATAP THAKKER: the worst is the pride of spirituality ramprasad has left the conference. gayathri swaminathan: it takes away theinnocence from a human PRATAP THAKKER: so, wht does it all mean to us in our daily life? PRATAP THAKKER: wht is ego in daily life G Balasubramanian: Ego makes us forget the truth, for it`s veil of darkness or ignorance -the sense of body consciousness, duality, separarateness, I, Me , Mine, self- centeredness and narrow-mindedness, planning for one`s own happiness, possessiveness etc. etc. constitute Ego G Balasubramanian: Ego is the root-cause of all falsehood in life PRATAP THAKKER: where does it come from? PRATAP THAKKER: how do v recognise it? G Balasubramanian: It conceals the truth and poses as the Truth itself galaxyandromeda22: temporal , impermamanent and a transient state is Ego galaxyandromeda22: many times it is cloaked as truth G Balasubramanian: It is indeed difficult to understand Ego-it`s depth and devious ways galaxyandromeda22: the way to unveil and recognize the truth is to question it with your heart PRATAP THAKKER: hm.. PRATAP THAKKER: how? galaxyandromeda22: and make the mind subject to the heart G Balasubramanian: The body-mind-intellect endows man with a distinctive identity resulting in ego galaxyandromeda22: by making your feelings present and reiterating or epeating the truthful word PRATAP THAKKER: yes the perceiver thinker feeler aspect galaxyandromeda22: nama smarana and repeatitionn of the name of a god or a godly aspect is often miraculous and reveals the truth G Balasubramanian: When I am ego-ridden, I can not love anybody as on account of self-conceit and pride and arrogance I consider myself superior to others galaxyandromeda22: not unlike a veil revealing a beautiful woman at the altar gayathri swaminathan: it reallydistance urself fro the loved ones PRATAP THAKKER: yes it does G Balasubramanian: People claim everything saying as one`s own. Indeed nothing belongs to anyone G Balasubramanian: Ownership concept is unreal galaxyandromeda22: yes abs true nothing belongs galaxyandromeda22: everything IS galaxyandromeda22: HIS PRATAP THAKKER: ownership.doership and enjoyership gayathri swaminathan: yes ,it only dawns when we edge ego galaxyandromeda22: SWAMY'S galaxyandromeda22: IS HIS G Balasubramanian: Possessiveness is rampant in every thought and action PRATAP THAKKER: when HE comes E go es G Balasubramanian: That leads to the inflation of ego galaxyandromeda22: THIS IS TEMPORAL AND SIGNIFIES THE IMPERMANENCE PRATAP THAKKER: ALL RIGHT ...NOW HAVING KNOWN ALL THIS WHT DO V DO? galaxyandromeda22: he come e goes away G Balasubramanian: Of the traits of ego, pride is the most poisonous PRATAP THAKKER: HOW SHOOULD V BEHAVE IN SOCIETY? galaxyandromeda22: om tat sat G Balasubramanian: But the pride of a scholar and the pride of Pundits is so thick that it is impossible for them to get rid of it G Balasubramanian: Egoism is the trait of animala only, says Swamy galaxyandromeda22: with grace devotion sobriety and a feelinng of beingness galaxyandromeda22: true since they have no intellect buddhi to discriminnate or know PRATAP THAKKER: but man has PRATAP THAKKER: so how should he differentiate from animals galaxyandromeda22: we have the discerning power given to us and have to get off from the cycle of birth and death and the ego is the first to let go G Balasubramanian: Egoism can not tolerate love for others G Balasubramanian: Nor can it be happy with itself G Balasubramanian: Ego is an offspring of ignorance padswami has joined the conference. galaxyandromeda22: we have to know to be discerning and see the limits galaxyandromeda22: hisairam padswamiji G Balasubramanian: Attachment and cravings are closely interrelated are the offshoots of ignorance PRATAP THAKKER: pls "sairams" in the middle of the satsangh galaxyandromeda22: limits and boundaries make the difference very salient and make us know we are manavas G Balasubramanian: Through attachment one gets the feelings of I,ME,MINE etc. etc. PRATAP THAKKER: so...leave all that is i and mine?\ galaxyandromeda22: ma, na , va...each spelling who we are and how we have to behave PRATAP THAKKER: yes G Balasubramanian: The feelings provoke desire and desire breeds worry galaxyandromeda22: personal pronouns and possessive or words which connnote a bonding G Balasubramanian: When deep sleep overpowers the senses, the mind and the intellect even the sense of ego disappears galaxyandromeda22: Desire and Needs have to be defined very correctly galaxyandromeda22: Nindra galaxyandromeda22: is deep meditation in the ocean of bliss and peace PRATAP THAKKER: yes PRATAP THAKKER: therefore no place for ego galaxyandromeda22: Sleep is a word which we have concocted galaxyandromeda22: yes in Nindra no ego galaxyandromeda22: it is totally out of place in Nindra galaxyandromeda22: Thought is an area which perniciously feeds the ego PRATAP THAKKER: but in nindra there is no awareness padswami: in sleep mind is not aCTIVE that is why root cause is mind galaxyandromeda22: Notions ideas images and connections even remote ones thrill and make the connection very dee[ G Balasubramanian has left the conference. galaxyandromeda22: Mind has to govened and ruled by the heart and the Atma G Balasubramanian has joined the conference. PRATAP THAKKER: good galaxyandromeda22: Mind left to itself is a chatterbox padswami: when we are awake we should be aware but ignorance makes us unaware and give raise to attachment to impermanent and causes ego to manifest galaxyandromeda22: it has to be ruled and made to behave..DISCIPLINE PRATAP THAKKER: yes padswami: mind is a tool to create awareness and should be servant to superconscious not a master PRATAP THAKKER: nice G Balasubramanian: Before we go to the next topic let us make sure that all of us have said what we wanted to say padswami: the tools to do this are galaxyandromeda22: RULING THE MIND WILL NOT MANIFEST ANY BONDIING THEREFORE EGO CANNOT MAKE ITS PRESENCE FELT PRATAP THAKKER: are? PRATAP THAKKER: yes padswami? padswami: are we narrowing down the roo t causes so we can then discuss practical ways of taming or dying the mind like Swami says Die mind Diamond G Balasubramanian: Let the discussions remain within the purview of ego padswami: taming the mind to remove ego.. galaxyandromeda22: ATMA-HEART-MIND IN THAT ORDER SO THAT THOUGHT FOLLOWS THE PATH WHICH WILL BE WITH THE DIVINE IN YOU PRATAP THAKKER: okk galaxyandromeda22: AND REMOVE EGO G Balasubramanian: Quitea bit has been said about Ego galaxyandromeda22: DIE MIND MAKE THE MIND SUBSERVIENT AND CALLED ON TO BE WHEN NEEDED PRATAP THAKKER: so..lets re capitulate ..Balu uncle would u pls? G Balasubramanian: If there is nothing more to talk about EGO as such..... galaxyandromeda22: SINCE ATMA AND HEART BEING WITH MANAVA AND JEEVA HAVE THE POWER TO AWAKEN AND CALL TO ORDER galaxyandromeda22: ALL SAID ABOUT EEEEEEEEE GO G Balasubramanian: Can we go to the next topic galaxyandromeda22: YES galaxyandromeda22: TIME galaxyandromeda22: FOR IT NOW PRATAP THAKKER: uncle i asked u something G Balasubramanian: Namely, How ego is a hindrance? PRATAP THAKKER: it skipped ur attention PRATAP THAKKER: no n PRATAP THAKKER: before that G Balasubramanian: IS summing up required at all? G Balasubramanian: Lot of views have been expressed here PRATAP THAKKER: padswami has suggested to arrow down on this galaxyandromeda22: BODY CONSCIOUSNESS?? G Balasubramanian: Anyway... PRATAP THAKKER: narrow* G Balasubramanian: EGO relates to I G Balasubramanian: Doership G Balasubramanian: Pride G Balasubramanian: It is an assumed entity PRATAP THAKKER: falsse identification of self G Balasubramanian: The pseudo "I" galaxyandromeda22: THE CLOUD WHICH NEEDS A WIND TO BLOW IT AWAY..THIS WIND MUST BE THE DIVINE WAVES MUSIC WORDS AND DRIVE AWAY ALL THE WAVES INTERLUDES AND BHAVAS AWAY MAKING THE MUSIC WHOLESOME AND VERY DIVINE FOR ALL TO RELISH G Balasubramanian: No ego in sleep G Balasubramanian: Identifying with Body,mind and Intellect PRATAP THAKKER: go on G Balasubramanian: Kartrutva+Boktrutva=Pramdrutva+EGO G Balasubramanian: Ego is the root cause of all falsehood PRATAP THAKKER: thats it PRATAP THAKKER: ok padswami? G Balasubramanian: It is a sense of superiority over others G Balasubramanian: Individuality G Balasubramanian: SEparativite in nature G Balasubramanian: It takes us away from God G Balasubramanian: Ego is the opposite of selfishness G Balasubramanian: Opposit of Humility G Balasubramanian: Etc. etc. PRATAP THAKKER: padswami...r u with us? G Balasubramanian: Can we now turn our attention on the next topic? PRATAP THAKKER: yes gayathri swaminathan: yes PRATAP THAKKER: how is ego a hindrance PRATAP THAKKER: in god realisation G Balasubramanian: When selfishness is fattened, the ego gets bloated and every one becomes anxious to get more gains without putting forth any effort G Balasubramanian: Team spirit in community is broken G Balasubramanian: "Those who do away with EGo attain salvation" G Balasubramanian: "Ego is a bad quality for a devotee" PRATAP THAKKER: ok PRATAP THAKKER: hindrance v will leave it for next week G Balasubramanian: "Egoism is the bar to developing the spirit of dedication" PRATAP THAKKER: v put a full stop to "wht is ego?" G Balasubramanian: Sure PRATAP THAKKER: any way sonext thursday i announce the topic " ego as hindrance to god realissation?\ PRATAP THAKKER: ok? G Balasubramanian: Yes PRATAP THAKKER: 1 aum and 3 shantis? PRATAP THAKKER: LETS CLOSE G Balasubramanian: ok PRATAP THAKKER: AUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..................... PRATAP THAKKER: SHANTI : PRATAP THAKKER: SHANTI : G Balasubramanian: SAI RAMS PRATAP THAKKER: SHANTI HI.... G Balasubramanian: Next week`s topic "Ego as hindrance to God-realzation G Balasubramanian: Let this be notified seaprately through webmaster