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Divine Experiences of Sai Baba - Sai Devotee Neeru

Today is Thursday and i am really excited to witness glory of our Lord Sai Baba in Chariot procession. Another Sai-incidence has happened today that it is Thursday, i am Shirdi and while this post is being ready for publishing it is also Thursday (Feb 16, 2012). These small happenings guide us to the path where we see grace and blessings of Lord Sai Baba all the time.

Sai Sister Neeru Ji from India says: Sai Ram to all Sai Devotees. A very happy New Year to one and all. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate sister Hetal for such a brilliant work to get all the Sai Devotees on the same platform and share their experiences and directly increase our faith in the Lord Almighty. These experiences are not merely words put together but instead they tell us how Baba takes charge of everything in our lives, when we surrender to Him our heart and soul with Shraddha and Saburi. I would like to share my experience which I had actually promised to Baba and could not put in words due to some or the other reason. I think that too is the wish of Baba as He only knows the best time for something to happen. Please do not disclose my Id.

I along with my family members had planned to go to Shirdi on the 10th of September 2011. I wanted to be there in Shirdi with my Baba to celebrate my Birthday. I got my tickets booked two months ago. It was so planned that I would leave my city on the 10th morning and reach Pune in the afternoon. From Pune to Shirdi we would take a car and proceed with the journey and reach Shirdi by night. But Baba had some other plans for us. We reached the airport on time, but somehow missed the flight. It was very depressing. I kept on telling the airline people, but they refused. I was totally prepared to go there with all the vastras and sweets for Baba and did not want to leave any stone unturned. I took it as the wish of Baba and got myself booked for the evening flight, which was to leave Delhi at 8 PM. There was some kind of unhappiness in the family, but my daughter somehow pacified them all by saying that Baba wants it this way. I was so scared to miss the flight. So second time, we reached the airport 1 hour 30 minutes before the scheduled time.

Finally we were in the plane and my mind was just focused on my Baba. The eagerness to meet Baba was so much that I did not realize that we had already landed in Pune. My ears pain a lot when the plane is about to land, but somehow I was remembering Baba so much that I could not feel the pain rather there was no pain at all. We reached Shirdi at 3 AM, took little rest and went to the temple at 8 AM. I did not take anything in the temple except the flowers, although I had sweets and Vastras for Baba. I went in and had Darshan and thanked Baba for getting me to Him on my birthday, which I wanted since long. I also told Him “ki aaj to mujhe aapse gift chahiye jo ki mera haq bhi hai” (I want gift from Baba and that is my right). After saying this, we left and had some breakfast.

We wanted to go to SAIDHAM in KOPERGAON. So I went to my room and collected the Vastras and sweets for the temple there. We reached the place. It was so peaceful and calm there that I wished I could be there for a few more days. I was a witness to so many miracles there, which Baba had planned for us. After meeting Baba in the main temple, I went to CHAVAN BABA, who blessed us. I handed him the packet of sweets and Vastras. He took the Vastras and handed me the packed of sweets to be distributed. He again took out another packet of sweets and blessed and handed it to me. Till date, I do not know how the second packet of sweets reached there since I had just put one box in the packet. When I got both the packets, they were both having yellow Pedhas (“Sweet”) in them. I wanted to offer one box of Peras (“Sweet”) in Shirdi, but I again took it as the wish of Baba. All of a sudden Chavan Baba took a hundred rupee note and gave it to me saying it is your birthday so take it. He also gave it to my husband and my daughter. After this we went to the main temple and there was no one except the three of us and the Panditji. We asked the Panditji if Baba would come for Pooja and he said, “No, he does not come for Pooja”. Rather he told us to perform the Aarti. We were all surprised at the kindness of Baba. After this more devotees started pouring in. My husband started the Aarti, which was slowly taken by all of us. While the Aarti was going on, I saw Chavan Baba coming in the temple. After the Aarti, Baba told us to go up the stairs and touch the main moorti of Baba. He also said usually no one is allowed to go up, but due to our punaye karam (good deeds), he is allowing us to go up. He also told to one and all present there about this and said that they too could go up because of us. We felt so blessed that we all had tears in our eyes and thanked Baba for his love. Chavan Baba also blessed my daughter with the garland of Baba and gave me a coconut and gave us all Parsad. After some time, he again gave me coconut and told the Panditji that it is Baba’s order to give this beti (that is me) all the Patisa Parsad. I was so touched by my Baba’s love that I simply thought what had I done to get all this love. I did not feel like leaving the place, but I had to reach Shirdi. I took the leave of Chavan Baba and was proceeding for the car, when I heard Baba calling me and he came bare feet to leave me like a father would do to his daughter. People around said that he never comes to leave anyone like this. I really felt BLESSED.

I reached Shirdi had some rest and in the evening went to the Mandir to have Baba’s Darshan after the Dhoop Aarti. I carried my packet of Vastras and Sweet. My son could not come with us. He got 2 packets of Pedhas (“Sweet”) and 1 packet of besan barfi and gave me. So I was left with only besan barfi to offer. I reached near Baba and offered my humble offerings, but somewhere deep in my heart, I wanted to offer Pedhas (“Sweet”). The Panditji there put his hand in the huge bundle of flowers there and gave me yellow Pedhas (“Sweet”) as Parsad. Tears started coming as I was actually witnessing the love of my Baba my father. While I was thanking Baba for everything, I was pulled by someone there into a room next to Baba and he told me "Aaram se darshan kar lo" (You can take Darshan comfortably). Standing there, I told my Baba to always be with us and always shower His love on us. I left the place with a heavy heart, but with a greater hope to be there again. Baba, “maine to aapse gift maanga tha” (I asked for gift), but you gave me so much. May Baba bless everyone. Baba, please forgive me for writing this experience so late.

Love You a lot Baba. Neeru

Submitted to SBOI-Group by Hetal Patil Rawat