Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow,
Middlesex, UK
photo selection 6

A ray of light - seen on the left - emanating from Swami's photo on the left.

Vibhuti appeared on Jalarambapa and Mataji above.

Shree Ganesh covered in crimson Vibhuti on Ganesh Chaturthi.

Above photo was covered in blue Vibhuti at Sai Sruti.

A photograph of the original temple in the 1990's.

Brown Vibhuti appeared on Swami's Padukas.

Kalika Mata covered in light Greenish Vibhuti on Navraatri Festival.

ka Mata covered in light Greenish Vibhuti with Red Vibhuti added on later on
at Navraatri Festival.

In 1989 Swami left above Vibhuti piles in the Bedroom upstairs.

Nectar (Amrit) was seen dripping from Laxmiji's bottom left hand. Take a
closer look!

Nectar (Amrit) was seen dripping from the middle of Shirdi Baba's
mouth....take a closer look!

Lots of Vibhuti appeared in the bedroom upstairs in 1988.

Water was seen flowing out of Shivaji's hair and filled up the plate below.

Ganeshji covered in Grey Vibhuti.

Kumkum powder manifested by Swami on the photograph of Shree Matajji....take a
close look at her feet.

Prema Sai - According to Sathya Sai Baba, Prema Sai will be his next
incarnation in the year 2028 in the form of Shakti.