Spellbinding Sai - Part III
By late Prof. N. Kasturi
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(Continued from the last issue)
This is third
and final part of the transcript of a talk delivered by late
Prof. Kasturi many years ago. This is being brought to you
from our archives and we regret that we do not have the
exact date of this talk, but we can say with reasonable
surety that it was in the year 1987.
these miracles are mysterious happenings. We can’t understand them
and we are not able to explain them. Why does Baba perform these
miracles? It is in order to draw people to Himself.
Strengthener of Hearts
is one Dr. Bhaskaran Nair, a professor of zoology, who spoke at the
Summer Showers course the other day. He was in Trivandaram, far down
in the south-west of India. He had a son who had a weak heart, which
was palpitating. Every morning he would peep into his son’s bedroom
to find out whether he was still alive because his heart was so bad.
He did not know of Baba in any way.
one day, the boy told his father he had dreamt of someone with a big
halo of hair Who said: “You come to Puttaparthi!” which was a name
unheard of by both of them.
Bhaskar Nair asked his son if this name was entirely clear. “Yes! It
was clear -
‘Puttaparthi’” his son said. So the father got a railway timetable,
to find out if Puttaparthi is actually a place. He did not find it
there. Then he got a post office guide and found there was indeed a
place called Puttaparthi! He embraced his son and said: “Your dream
is true! There is a place called Puttaparthi in India! What a
wonderful thing! And you have been asked to come to Puttaparthi!
What a great act of Grace is this?” So he wrote to the post master
of Puttaparthi whether there was any one who was an expert in the
treatment of heart problems? That is what he imagined this was all
Then he
received a reply which said: “It is not simply heart. He who accused
Arjuna of weakness of heart and strengthened his heart to fight the
battle, He is here!” Based on this scant, but incredible
information, he then made the journey over here (Prasanthi) with his
I told you that He spoke
Adi language. In Africa, He spoke the Swahili
language. If He must speak to somebody who knows only
a particular language; ad hoc, in that situation, He
will use that language. A mother uses only that
language which the child understands. Baba’s love is
so powerful! - Prof. N. Kasturi
I am also a Kerala man, Baba asked me to look after this boy. I was
told this nine years old boy was pretty weak. Baba gave him vibhuti
and he became much better. He had to be given some special dishes,
and I could prepare it along with my people, and he gained his
As the
years passed, there is a sequel to the story. He passed his BSC in
electronics or something and he applied to the Atomic Energy
Commission in reply to an advert for a vacant post. In the medical
examination they put the stethoscope in the proper places, and they
discovered that his heart condition was not satisfactory. So, a nine
year boy, cured by Baba, came up to his MSC, and a doctor then
discovers he apparently still needs help. So the poor fellow, Dr.
Bhaskar Nair and his son came to Puttaparthi. They said, “Is it lost
after all this? Just when he was about to enter a career!”
So the
man was broken in spirits and he came to Puttaparhti and caught hold
of me during Shivaratri, when 35,000 people were here. How could he
see Baba at that time? Luckily this Bhaskar Nair was a good speaker
and spotting him among the crowd, Baba said: “You ask that Bhaskar
Nair to speak in the evening” because usually Baba wants somebody to
speak before Him. So as Bhaskar Nair was to speak, I told him:
“Look, here is a wonderful chance! You’ll be sitting next to Him on
the dais; and you will have one ear of Baba available. So tell Him
about this problem!”
So he
spoke to Him: “Swami this calamity has happened.” Swami asked him:
“How many doctors have examined him?” “One, Swami.” And He advised
that a panel of doctors should examine his son and that he will be
alright. So, you know among doctors they have got a kind of a
professional courtesy that if even one doctor says the patient is
‘dead’, all other doctors will declare him ‘dead’ - though he may
not have died. It is kind of professional togetherness - they hang
together, so that they may not hang separately!
this panel of doctors certified that the boy’s heart is alright! He
duly entered the Atomic Energy department and did his PHD, and I
think now he is in the electronics department of a telephone
factory. His name is Dr. Radhakrishna. So here is a case of drawing
the boy, the parents and the family. Like that people who have
absolutely no faith, people who are denying God or denying Baba, He
catches them by some miracle like this.
Headman Healed
North Eastern frontier – the China-India border – is a very nervous
area and the tribals’ loyalty was always wavering. Our people
(Indians) had to leave a large portion of that area and come away,
because they were not sure of the loyalties of the tribals around
them. Lieutenant Colonel Raja, who is the Lieutenant Governor of
Arunachal Pradesh now, was then advisor to the Governor on tribal
And the
leader of these tribals was a man called Bukanate whose word was law
for at least some 10,000 square miles of that area. For some time he
had been suffering with a severe stomachache and the government of
India tried their best to cure him. That was the talk of the tribals
- wherever they met at markets, or at the bazaar. They took him to
this and that hospital, even to the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences in Delhi and spent a lot of money upon him. Every doctor
famous for profession put his finger on his stomach to examine him -
and nothing happened.
So the
talk of the tribal area was: “What was happening to Bukanate’s
stomachache?” And this Raja, who is a devotee, the then tribal
affairs man, said: “He must be sent to Puttaparthi”. Therefore he
arranged what is called a “Bharath Darshan”. He collected a
number of tribals and put them into a train and prepared a time
table so that they can go all around India - and he included
spent a lot of money upon these tribals and they were given whatever
they wanted, so that they might support India rather than China. And
they came to Puttaparthi - this group of about 15 people accompanied
by a secretary to the government who was arranging this entire trip
and who had to prepare a report to the government about the tour.
Baba spoke to them in their language – the Adi language. This is
mentioned in the government report. And He discovered that this man
had a stomachache. So He materialized vibhuti, and gave it to him
and the report says that night he ate 3 chapattis at the canteen.
And after that day, every day his bill came to thirty rupees! In
those old days!
when Bukanate went back, everybody asked what happened to his
stomachache? “Gone!” “Where?” “Puttaparthi!” “How did it happen?”
“Sathya Sai Baba!”
other day Bukanate stood in election for Arunachal Pradesh assembly,
and he won. I telegraphed to him: “Congratulations.” And he sent a
reply saying: “Thanks! It’s the blessings of Baba!”
So Baba
is now the family deity of the entire tribal area. The Defense
Minister was saying: “He has saved us five divisions of the Indian
army.” So, the tribals are now definitely on the side of Puttaparthi
- though not of India ! And they wanted to build a temple there for
their God; which is Dono Polo - the Sun and the Moon. Wonderful Gods
to select – Sun and the Moon. And Baba has drawn them a kind of an
architectural plan. They consult Baba for everything now. And they
wanted an idol to be installed in the temple.
Somebody was saying: “Cannot Baba produce a pumpkin which can be
held in one fist?” But in that report, you will find Baba waved both
His hands and materialized a 10 by 18 inches copper plate - or five
metals plate - in which you’ve got the Sun and the Moon and that is
now installed in that temple in the North Eastern frontier. So Baba
has become a tribal deity of that area.
I told
you that He spoke Adi language. In Africa, He spoke the Swahili
language. If He must speak to somebody who knows only a particular
language; ad hoc, in that situation, He will use that language. A
mother uses only that language which the child understands. Baba’s
love is so powerful!
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