Sathya Sai Baba  Sai Baba's 500-year old horoscope Astrological Birth Chart of

Table 11.5 Ray and Astrological Rulerships for Within Sathya Sai Baba's Birth Chart

Ascendant Sign

Personality Ruler

Esoteric Ruler

Hierarchical Ruler





Rays 1, 3 & 7

Ray 3

Ray 3

Ray 5

Sun Sign

Personality Ruler

Esoteric Ruler

Hierarchical Ruler





Ray 4, 5 & 6

Ray 2

Ray 3

Ray 6

Moon Sign

Personality Ruler

Esoteric Ruler

Hierarchical Ruler





Rays 3 & 7

Ray 4

Ray 6

Ray 6

According to Ruhela (1994) Sai Baba was born in Puttaparthi on 23rd November, 1926 at 9.06am. This time was given to Kasturi who was Sai Baba's closest aid for many years. It is interesting to note that Sri Aurobindo is quoted in Sarin as saying "24th November, 1926, was the descent of Krishna into the physical…. A power infallible shall lead the thought. In earthly hearts kindle the Immortal Fire, even the multitudes shall hear the voice" (1993, p.37).

On 8th March, 1940 at 7.00pm Sathya is supposed to have been stung by a scorpion. Sathya supposedly became unconscious and went stiff. Sathya recovered and started to act very strange, singing songs and giving discourses. On a later occasion Sai Baba, as he became known, said that he had initiated this transformation. Sai Baba declared his name as Sai Baba on 23rd May, 1940. At that time he had progressed Mercury trine natal and progressed Uranus, progressed Neptune trine natal and progressed Chiron, progressed Moon tine natal and progressed Chiron and progressed Saturn conjunct natal Venus. By transit on the 8th March he had Jupiter square Moon and Jupiter trine progressed Sun.

In his solar return Sai Baba had Mercury within 2´ of the Midheaven in Sagittarius and a grand trine between the Sun in the 9th in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the 1st in Pisces and Pluto in the 5th conjunct the 6th in Leo. Also Uranus was sextile within 23´ of Chiron, and Jupiter was exactly trine, within 2´, natal Saturn, which is itself conjunct his natal Sun, Mercury and Venus.

On 20th October, 1940 while at his brother's house Baba said to his sister-in-law:

"I am no longer your Sathya. I am Sai. I am going. I don't belong to you. Maya (Illusion) has gone. My devotees are calling Me. I have my work. Give up all your efforts to cure Me. I am Sai. I do not consider myself related to you" (as quoted in Ruhela, 1994, p.73-4)

Sai Baba had renounced all worldly ties and was not yet 14 years old. Sai Baba has indicated in a poem he wrote that the 20th October was the day of transformation (quoted in Ruhela, 1994, p.73). Astrologically he had progressed Mercury trine natal and progressed Uranus and progressed Mars opposition progressed MC. He also had progressed Saturn conjunct natal Sun and exactly conjunct natal Venus. Transiting Uranus was sextile natal and progressed Uranus and opposition progressed Mercury while still within orb was transiting Pluto square progressed MC.

On 25th May, 1947 at the age of 20 Baba wrote in a letter to his brother:

"I have a Task: To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of ananda (bliss). I have a Vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into godness [sic] and save them. I am attached to a 'work' that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. I have a reason to be proud, for I rescue all who worship and adore Me, aright.

I will not give up my mission, nor my determination. I know I will carry them out. I treat the honour and dishonour, the fame and blame that may be the consequence with equanimity.

No one can comprehend My glory, whoever he is, whatever his method of inquiry, however long his attempt.

You can see yourself the full Glory in the coming years. Devotees must have patience and forbearance" (as quoted in Ruhela, 1994, p.75-6).

Sai Baba has said:

"No Avatar is born flesh and blood, including this Avatar. The body of the Avatar is chit substance; it is not jada like other materials. The embryo of ordinary mortals is 'jalodakasayi' enveloped in watery stuff; the embryo of the Avatar is encased in 'Kshirodakasayi,' the pure white milk of holiness. That is why in the make up of the Avatar, there is no blemish, there is no trace of Guna (Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. IV, p.15 as quoted in Murty, 1985, p.29).

As it is not until one has attained the Fourth Initiation that complete mastery of the physical body is attained. At the fourth initiation the causal body dies and if the person persists in physical form a new physical body is created. By the fifth initiation a complete atomic transformation has been achieved. The above quote would indicate that Sai Baba is at least a Fifth Degree Initiate.

On Gurupurnima day, 6th July, 1963, Sai Baba declared that he was the combined incarnation of Shiva and Shakti. He said that his previous incarnation as Shirdi Sai Baba was Shiva's incarnation, while his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba would be pure Shakti's incarnation (Ruhela, 1994, p.78). It is difficult to know at what level of awareness Sai Baba was speaking when he uttered these words. However, a more definite understanding can be obtained when looking at statements made by Sai Baba to Ron Laing as quoted in the book 'The Embodiment of Love' which he co-authored with his wife Peggy Mason:

On Christmas Day 1972, Baba referred to Jesus's statement: "He who sent me will come again," and then made the astonishing claim that Jesus was referring to himself, Baba. Although expunged from the Bible, Baba claims that Jesus's words were: "His name will be Truth. He will wear a red robe. He will be short, with a crown of hair." Sathya means truth. Baba wears a red robe, is short, and has a crown of hair (Mason & Laing, 1982, p.159).

Ron Laing then asked Baba, "Swami, does this omission in the Bible mean that it was You who sent Jesus of Nazareth into incarnation?" to which Baba replied "Yes" (Mason & Laing, 1982, p.160).

Finally, when Ron Laing asked the question, "In that case, are You what the Western Christians call the Cosmic Christ?" He replied "Yes" (Mason & Laing, 1982, p.160). Here is a clear reference to Christ awareness which is indicative of the Seventh Initiation (First Cosmic Initiation).

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                             Acknowledgement : Copyright © Charles Attfield, 1999 - 2002