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  • Prashanthi Bulletin:14th-17th Nov. Recent Detail darshan news from Prashanthi Nilayam.
  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 17th Nov morning. 2005: ".. 80 fortunate couples got Swami’s divine blessings..." more

  • Devotee's experience:- SBOI group-post 16th Nov.

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 16th Nov part 2. 2005: "...In addition, to Swami’s usual evening darshan Swami also distributed clothes to..." more


  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 16th Nov. part 1. 2005: Swami inaugurated mobile hospitals...more

  • Shirdi Sai newsletter: Sai Vichaar for Thursday , November 17, 2005

  • Prashanthi Bulletin:7th-13th nov. Recent Detail darshan news from Prashanthi Nilayam. "...There was a possibility that Swami would go to the Institute for watching the rehearsal of the Convocation Drama and also for inaugurating the new 'Humanities Block' that has been constructed in the College Campus..."

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 15th Nov. 2005: "Today Swami came for morning darshan at 9.20 am..."  more  Latest Puttparthi pictures: Puttaparthi Preparation 2005 - 80th birthday of Sai Baba

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 14th Nov. 2005: "...Devotees gathered for darshan in the morning went back heavyhearted...  "  more 

  • Parthi Update - SBOI group post: ."..Swarms of students spread themselves across the dozens of bays in the Kulwant Hall, distributing Prasadam to the devotees. As the distribution was taking place, Swami came out in His chair..." more

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 13th Nov. 2005: "...Swami returned to His abode at 6.25 pm after accepting the Arathi at the conclusion of Akhanda Bhajan...  "  more

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 12th Nov. 2005: "...Here in Puttaparthi Akhanda Bhajans was ceremonially commenced by Swami today 12th Nov. 2005..."  more

  • Divine words: (with English) translation-SBOI group Post: Swami once asked the group, “ What is the difference between God and Man?”... more

  • Event: Akhanda Bhajans - 12 & 13 Nov. non-stop twenty-four-hour global devotional singing the Aakhanda bhajan by Sai devotees all over the world. mostly there are Bhajans from 6:00 pm today to tomorrow evening 6:00 pm. Significance of Akhanda Bhajans

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 11th Nov. 2005: "Today swami came early for morning Darshan, it was around 7.30 that swami came out"  more   Note: Photos added today 12th Nov

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 10th Nov. 2005: "...Finally devotees lining up for morning Darshan were happy because after 3 days of no morning darshan Swami came today for  morning Darshans around 9.30 am in the morning.." more

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 9th Nov. 2005 "...This is the third day in a row without the usual morning Darshans. Unexpectedly! Swami came out before noon at around 11:30"... more



  • Download new video: Swami's video  (mpeg) - with "new 80th" birthday  song  sound recording close up darshan film of Swami.


  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 8th Nov. 2005 "...Swami came out from His abode at 10.45 am and drove straight to hill view stadium,"... more

  • Audio download: Sai Baba's "80th" birthday song - MP3

  • Sai News: Prasanthi Nilayam 7th Nov. 2005 Sai Ram everyone , SBOI group has been informed that Swami did not come for the morning Darshans today.... more



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Audio Clips: Audio Clips From 80th Birthday Celebrations - Morning Session