latest Photo collage Yagna 2005
<< 7 Sai saga -
...to be continued
I am Sai Baba
On 23 May 1940, Sathya rose from bed as usual, but, after some time, he
called the members of the household round him, gave them sugarcandy, and
flowers taken from 'nowhere.' At this, the neighbours too rushed in. He
gave them a ball each of rice cooked in milk and the flowers and sugar
candy, concretised by a mere wave of the hand. Sathya seemed to be in a
very jovial mood and so, Venkama Raju was sent for, to come and see Sathya
in the welcome role. He came rushing in, squeezing through the crowd; the
people asked him to go and wash the feet and hands and face, before
approaching the Giver of Boons. This incensed him still more; he was not
impressed at all; he thought it was a trick, hiding things somewhere and
producing them by sleight of hand; at least, that was what he confessed to
Sri Kasturi, later. He wanted that this chapter must be closed, before it
lengthens into a tragedy. So, he laughed a bitter laugh and accosted the
boy within everyone's hearing "This is getting too much; it must be
stopped." Arming himself with a stick, he moved a step nearer and
threatened to beat it out of him. "Are you a God, or a ghost of a madcap?
Tell me!" He shouted. Prompt came the answer, the Announcement, that had
been held back so long, " I am Sai Baba."
Further argument became impossible. Venkama Raju was stunned into silence;
the stick slid from his hands. He stood staring at Sathya trying to grasp
the implications of that announcement, " I am Sai Baba." But, Sathya
continued, " I belong to Apasthamba Sutra; I am of the Bharadwaja Gothra;
I am Sai Baba; I have come to ward off all-your troubles; keep your houses
clean and pure." He repeated the names of the Sutra and the Gothra
repeatedly that afternoon. The elder brother, Seshama Raju went near him,
and asked, "What do you mean by 'Sai Baba'?" He did not reply, but only
said this much: "Your Venkavadhootha prayed that I be born in your family;
so, I came."(there was a tradition in the family, of a great ancestral
sage called Venkavadhootha, who was looked upon as a Guru by hundreds of
villages around.)
The father felt that Sai Baba was a Muslim, speaking through the boy and
so, he asked, "What are we to do with you?" . Prompt came the answer;
"Worship Me!" "When?" "Every Thursday! Keep your minds and houses pure."
One Thursday, some one challenged Sathyanarayana and asked Him, " If you
are Sai Baba show us some proof, now!" In the same spirit that the rustics
ask the priest of the village temple, when he dances in ecstasy while
apparently possessed. Baba replied, " Yes, I shall" and every one came
nearer. " Place in my hands those jasmine flowers," He commanded. It was
done. With a quick gesture, He threw them on the floor and said "Look."
They saw that the flowers had formed, while falling, the Telugu letters,
Sai Baba!
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