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5 more Avatar on Himself
I am always aware of the future and the past
as well as the present ...
"Your worldly
intelligence cannot fathom the ways of God. He cannot be recognized by mere
cleverness of intelligence. You may benefit from God, but you cannot
explain him. Your explanations are merely guesses, attempts to cloak your
ignorance in pompous expressions. Bring something into your daily practice
as evidence of your having known the secret of the higher life from me.
Show that you have greater brotherliness. Speak with more sweetness and
self-control. Bear defeat as well as victory with calm resignation, I am
always aware of the future and the past as well as the present of every one
of you, so I am not so moved by mercy. Since I know the past, the
background, the reaction is different. It is your consequence of evil
deliberately done in the previous birth, so I allow your suffering to
continue, often modified by some little compensation. I do not cause either
joy or grief. You are the designer of both these chains that bind you. I am
the embodiment of bliss (Anandaswarupa). Come, take bliss (ananda) from me,
dwell on that bliss, and be full of peace (shanti)."