It was
an emotional trip down the memory lane for the former students of the School
of Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam, when they gathered at the Lotus Feet of
their beloved Swami on the 20th and 21st of August for their Alumni Meet
aptly called ‘Reconnect’. This meet was organized on the occasion of the eve
of the 20th anniversary of the department coinciding with the 80th year of
the Advent of Bhagawan. Ever since the School of Business Management,
Accounting and Finance offering MBA (Master of Business Administration) was
started on 21st August, 1986, Bhagawan took a keen interest in fostering the
business leaders of the future into change agents who would spread His
message of values into the corporate world. For many years after the
inception of the department, Bhagawan would visit the Institute every week
to deliver talks on management to the students. It was during these talks
that Bhagawan succinctly summarized the science of management as ‘Man
Management’. This concept is only now catching on in business thought, but
Bhagawan had already identified it as the key to successful management more
than a decade ago. It was to offer their gratitude to Bhagawan for all the
care and attention He had showered on them during their stay as students
that around 500 members of the alumni gathered at Prasanthi Nilayam to bask
yet again in the sunshine of His Love and thus ‘reconnect’ and ‘recharge’
On the
evening of 20th, after words of introduction by Sri A.V. Gokak,
Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, two members
of the alumni expressed their
feeling of love and gratitude on behalf of their brothers. The alumni had
arranged for distribution of comprehensive toolkits and uniforms to 80 needy
youth trained as electricians, carpenters and plumbers belonging to villages
surrounding Prasanthi Nilayam. These men though possessing the necessary
skills continued to remain unemployed as they did not have the wherewithal
to procure the necessary tools. But, now Bhagawan has gifted them not merely
toolkits but also the means to live a life of dignity.
Following this, there was a panel discussion on “Man Management – Relevance
of Values in the Business World”. Seven members of the alumni spanning
various sectors of the industry and occupying senior positions in their
respective organizations participated in the discussion that focused on how
Bhagawan’s teachings helped them to deal with the pressures and difficult
situations that arise in corporate life, drawing on their own experiences
and insights. One very significant point that emerged during the discussion
was how one can reconcile the pursuit of corporate excellence with
spirituality. Sri Karthik Shenoi, CEO, iCap
Solutions Pvt. Ltd., illustrated how this reconciliation can be achieved by
recalling an allegory given by Bhagawan. Bhagawan compares the pursuit of
worldly goals to attempting to get at the coconuts on a coconut tree by
running up the shadow of the tree on the ground and tugging at the shadow
coconuts – a fruitless enterprise. But, when one actually climbs up the
coconut tree, one’s shadow is also seen climbing the tree. What this analogy
reveals to us is that according highest priority to spiritual goals is not
necessarily divergent with life in the material world; in fact worldly
success gets added on to us as a matter of course on the spiritual path.
Speaking about the means of dealing with stress, the panelists concluded
that stress arises whenever self-interest dominates one’s thinking. But,
when we follow Bhagawan’s teaching that the feeling of ‘We’ must be placed
above the ‘I’ feeling, one is not affected by stressful situations. Another
member said that one must follow the principle of 100% commitment and 0%
attachment leaving the burden of victory or defeat to the Lord. Stress, they
said stood for Sai To the Rescue in Every Sticky Situation. Teamwork, which
is an important quality that every employer looks for, is something that students of
Bhagawan do not learn merely in theory but it comes to the fore during the
Annual Sports and Cultural Meet and the community service programmes, which
are a regular and integral part of the education at Bhagawan’s university.
The discussion thus showcased how spirituality can be integrated into our
daily life to make it more meaningful and enriching. At the end of the
programme Bhagawan profusely blessed the participants, who enjoyed some
blissful moments of interaction with Him.
On the morning of
21st, after an introductory talk by Sri Subash Subramanian, an MBA alumnus
and currently a Research Scholar in the School of Business Management,
Accounting and Finance, there were talks by two alumni. The first speaker,
Sri Amar Vivek, is a practicing lawyer in the High Court of Punjab and
Haryana and also at the Supreme Court of India. He belongs to the first
batch of students who earned their MBA degree from Bhagawan’s university. He
has been engaged in many rural service projects most notably, the Sri Sathya
Sai Grameen Jagruthi programme under which a hospital, a school, a
vocational training center and a sports school are being run for the benefit
of the rural poor completely free of charge. His service programmes have
earned him recognition from the Government of India and he was conferred the
National Youth Award. He narrated how Bhagawan had personally guided him in
setting up and managing these service projects, His unseen Hand helping him
ford over obstacles on the way. He also narrated two instances where by
standing up to his principles he managed, by Bhagawan’s grace, to turn two
seemingly impossible situations in his favour.
Sri Ashok Sundaresan, who spoke next, is a Chartered Accountant by
profession, and an active member of the Youth wing of the Sri Sathya Sai
Seva Organization, Tamil Nadu. He said that being a student of Bhagawan is a
privilege and opportunity and also a great responsibility. He narrated an
experience of late Prof N.Kasturi to emphasize our good fortune in being
contemporaries of Bhagawan. Once, Sri Kasturi had asked Bhagawan about the
mystery of creation. Bhagawan called Him one night to the balcony of the
Prasanthi Mandir, held his hand and asked him to look onto the grounds
below. Kasturi Garu was rendered speechless by what he saw; in place of the
inky darkness he was accustomed to, he saw what seemed to be a sea of
luminous beings, all waiting for Bhagawan’s command. Bhagawan seemed to be
communicating to them by His eyes, and one by one after receiving their
commands they left to execute them. This, Bhagawan revealed to Kasturi, was
how the entire creation was being managed. And Sri Kasturi realized that at
that moment, the Hand he was holding on to was the Hand of the Creator
Himself. Sri Sundaresan recalled the numerous lessons he had absorbed during
his days as a student at the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan that had transformed his
life. He narrated an incident to illustrate how we must express our
gratitude, an incident that was widely reported by the print media. When the
Sathya Sai Ganga project to supply potable water to the city of Chennai was
underway, there was a family of eleven members all of whom were engaged in
work on the canal. The eldest member was eighty years old, and the youngest
all of three years. When asked, they revealed that they belonged to the
Mahabubnagar District of Andhra Pradesh where Bhagawan had executed a water
supply project in 2001. Before the project, the family members had to
traverse miles for finding potable water and this had completely disrupted
their normal life even making earning their livelihood a difficult prospect.
But, now water was arriving almost at their doorstep, their suffering was
now behind them. In gratitude, the entire family had decided to contribute
their mite, in the form of physical labour, to the Chennai water supply
project. In conclusion, Sri Sundaresan prayed to Bhagawan for strength to
able to practice His teachings and to love up to His expectations of His
After the talks, there was a music programme entitled ‘Yaadein’ by the
alumni. Each song was preceded by short talks by students who poured out
their love and gratitude to Bhagawan, each of them recalling memories of the
beautiful moments they spent with their Lord as students and also how Swami
guided and guarded them several times during their lives thereafter. At the
end of the programme, everyone
realized that though they may
have left the portals of the Institute, they can never leave Swami nor can
Swami ever leave them; Swami was always with them and their bond with Him
was eternal and heart to heart.
In the afternoon, the management students of the Institute presented a drama
entitled, “Karishye Vachanam Tava” meaning, “Command, and I shall obey!” The
drama depicted how two young management graduates who had recently joined
Navajivan Pharma Co. face many difficulties and
disappointments due to the unethical behaviour of a manager, how they
overcome these difficulties, and become instrumental in guiding the company
to make decisions that go beyond just financial criteria and contribute to
the welfare of the society. The drama addressed many issues and ethical
dilemmas that face the managers of today’s corporate world and how they
should be dealt with discrimination and a clear conscience.
After the drama, Bhagawan granted photos to the participants. Bhagawan also
blessed and launched the website of the Institute – . The
programme concluded with arati and Bhagawan retired to His residence.
Jai Sai Ram! |