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SBOI- Sai Darshan news 25th &
26th April -2006 Brindavan
(Morning -evening)

25thApril: Yesterday morning the darshan hall was nearly full and
the devotees waiting to get the morning blessings of divine darshan went
home without the morning darshan, since Swami didn’t come. However, Swami
came in the evening at around 4.30 and remained in the darshan hall for over
40 minutes thus satisfying the heart and souls of waiting devotees.
26th April: Brindavan of Bangalore is Swami’s playground; Brindavan was also
the play ground of another (previous) Avatar Sri Krishna though Lord
Krishna’s Brindavan lies in the northern part of India. No doubt, Swami is
the Rama, Krishna and all the previous avatars put in one single divine body
namely the present Sai form. At Whitefield’s Brindavan Ashram it was a
celebration day for everyone since today is the foundation day of TRAYEE,
the beautiful decorations at the gates to Trayee Brindavan, announced the
celebration of “BRINDAVANS ANNIVERSARY”. The weather was perfect with
weather gods as commanded by our Supreme and Beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai
Baba. Brindavan brief history- Brindavan was inaugurated by Bhagawan Baba on
25th June, 1960. It enjoys the presence of the Divine for about three months
during summer every year.

Trayee Brindavan: This beautiful lotus shaped building in yellow and pink
was inaugurated by Baba on 26th of April, 1984. It serves as the residence
of Bhagawan Baba whenever He is in Bangalore. April 26th is therefore
“Trayee day” - the anniversary of the opening of Trayee Brindavan.. ”Trayee’
means three Vedic texts. Vedic texts are only three. But the fourth one,
Sama Veda, is the music part of it. If you go by the textual content, if you
go by the textual matter, Vedas are only three. The fourth, Sama Veda, is
the music part of it. So that Brindavan building is called ‘Trayee’
Swami looks different when you look at Him from different angles, different
times and also depending on the spiritual level one finds oneself etc.,
believe, that’s why the Hindu scriptures illustrate God as beyond
description. Then again, Sai devotees are attached to Swami’s physical frame
therefore we sit for hours to just get a glimpse of our beloved Sai, today
morning was no different, many were waiting to get the divine darshan of
living God. And Swami didn’t disappoint us Swami came at around 8:20 looking
radiant as ever. Even though, Swami stayed for almost one hour granting His
beautiful darshan nevertheless, we devotees desired for more! At around 9.20
a.m. Aarthi was offered to Swami. Also on this auspicious anniversary day
Prasadam of Indian sweets was distributed to the devotees. It was also
announced that there will be a special programme in the evening at 4.00 p.m.
In the evening, all eyes were fixed at the stage door, the decorated stage
and the chair with the golden pillow was arranged for Swami, at around 4.pm.
Swami walked in, with His unhurried steps swami came near the railings and
looked at the devotees sitting on the floor near the stage then Swami walked
towards His chair and sat. The high platform of the stage provides all the
devotees sitting close or far a perfect panorama and Swami is always in
view. The special bhajan group was standing by and one of the members went
up to the stage with today’s spiritual song program and offered it to Swami.
Today’s bhajan songs in many different languages were really inspiring.
After the end of the programme Swami was offered Aarthi thus concluding
today’s darshan. Brindavan also experienced a heavy rain shower, as an extra
The following is Sathya Sai Baba's address in Brindavan:
Sathya Sai Baba,
'Trayee Brindavan',
Brindavan, Kadugodi,
Bangalore 560067
© Source: SBOI
Kodaikanal: Mostly Bhagawan comes out of His Sai Sruthi residence
for giving darshan to devotees between 9 am-9.45 and for bhajan
between 3.45 pm.-4.45 His darshan route is walk/ wheel chair down
the porch also sometimes he get into the golf cart, ride down to the
ladies' side, then to the gents' side, take a turn, and return in
the opposite direction back to Sai Sruthi. Bhajans are in the bhajan
hall next to Sai Sruthi, and Bhagawan comes there in the evenings.