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Images From Sai Symphony Orchestra….in the Divine Presence

22ND November 2005, 9:30 a.m. Prasanthi Nilayam

Related links from 22nd Nov. 2005

After the final session of the Conference, all the delegates assembled in Sai Kulwant Hall for the Darshan of Bhagawan. As everyone was eagerly waiting with expectant eyes, Bhagawan emerged from His abode at 3.15 p.m. After getting down from the car, He went along the passage to the ladies side. To the chosen few whom He had decided to bless on this day, Bhagawan distributed saris in the portico of the Mandir. As the distribution was going on, members of the Sai Symphony Orchestra were getting ready with their instruments to perform in the centre of the Hall. Bhagawan always gives and only gives, and today the fortunate recipients were these ladies. After distributing saris in the portico, Bhagawan repeatedly went to the ladies side to distribute saris. To the great joy of the members of the orchestra, Bhagawan went amidst them and distributed saris to a few among them.

53 musicians from over 20 countries started their performance at 5.10 p.m. Their music gave a feathery touch to the listeners and seemed to waft in the air, and at times it rose to a crescendo. The modulation, undulation, pitch, tone and variety of music that the members of the orchestra produced from their instruments was enormous. Be it the soothing music of the violin or flute or the sonorous beats of percussion instruments, the orchestra members produced a perfect symphony. The orchestra earned the benevolent encouraging smile and blessings of the Lord at the end of each piece. The audience was treated to sumptuous musical feast for one full hour. The masterpieces played by the orchestra members were Johannes Brahmas “Ungarische Tanze No. 1”, Gioacchino Rossini “Gazza Ladra”, Franz Liszt “Ungarishche Rhapsodie No. 2”, Georges Bizet “Carmen I And IV”, Charles Gounod “Ainsi que la brise”, the immortal piece of Wolfang Amadeus Mozart “Op. 40”, George Enescu “Rumanishe Rapsodie No. 1 Op. 11” and Franz Von Suppe “Light Cavalry”.


Bhagawan, who had materialized a ring for the conductor of the orchestra Klaus Maurer from Switzerland before the commencement of the programme graciously listened to his prayers on behalf of the other members to have a group photograph taken with Him along with their instruments at the end of the performance. Bhagawan also created rings for the Trombone player Andrija Bosanac from Croatia and Victor Togliani from Italy who was responsible for the set design. Bhagawan spoke at length to the members of the orchestra. Truly, this served as an ‘icing on the cake’, especially after they had put in days and long hours of practice to make this programme a grand success.

Finally, Arati was offered to Bhagawan and Prasadam was distributed to everyone. At 6.10 p.m., Bhagawan retired for the day.

Links:  News & events 22nd day

Also read the Sai Darshan report: 22nd Nov. 2005, 9:30 a.m. IST. "...Bhagawan, the Divine Chancellor will be inaugurating the Convocation at 2:15 p. m...." more  


Photos from : November 22nd 2005 images from Cultural program, following the convocation - Drama performed by students in the Poorna Chandra Auditorium November 22nd 2005

Photos: 22nd Nov.Set-2 visit to the stadium today

Photos: 22nd Nov. 2005- Red carpet welcome preparations at hill view

Sai News & Photos: 22nd Nov. morning 2005 One more drive to the stadium