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23rd Nov.
80th birthday close-up of Sai Baba - Large size pictures -
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At around 7:40 a.m.
Swami arrived at the
amidst a cheering crowd
expressing happy birthday wishes. Swami drove from His residence at
appx. 7:25. The mood in the streets is very cheerful (like Diwali) and
there is constant flow of
devotees towards Hill view stadium, apparently, a never ending rush of
devotees, at the moment main road is quite alive. Police is quite visible
today and there is
also an extra vigil. All the Sevadal people have been
given instructions on how to handle crowds and briefing on related
security issues. Things are running efficiently except for minor
accommodation problems and very small numbers of lost and found issues.
Bearing in mind the number of people here, it is a remarkable job done by
Ashram authorities, Sevadal and the local/state administration. Police too
is doing a superb job in making sure that flows of traffic and ill-behaved
elements or characters do not spoil the joy of hundreds of thousands
ordinary and well behaved devotees on this auspicious day. We’ll update as
the Sainews happens. May your visit be a blessing! -Happy birthday
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"The morning celebrations have just finished in
arrived at stadium at 7:30 am and was
accompanied by the marching bands.
The fireworks went as soon as Sathya Sai Baba entered the ground. The
ground was a sea of humanity. Swami was heart fully welcomed by all the
devotees. Then Swami gave blessings to the entire guest. Half of the
Indian Cricket team arrived for the event. Sachin Tendulkar wished Swami
happy birthday and said that he was very happy to be in the presence of
Swami and privileged to be here for the 80th birthday.
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Then there was a song by
Bala Subramanyam well
known Indian singer
(S.P. Balasubramanyam is the only
Indian singer to have sung more than 30000 songs in a career spanning over
3 decades. He has also sung in most of the Indian languages. He has
extraordinary talent to render beautifully all kinds of music such as
Classical, Folk, Devotional, POP and what not!) who sang for Swami from the dais which was
erected in the ladies stand. After the songs two devotees gave speeches
one of them was the international sai organization leader Mr. Goldstein.
He spoke about how devotee should see Swami in them and they should thing
about asking, who am I to themselves before asking who are you. Then After
that Swami gave a discourse Started with saying that "Kindness and help
should be done with rightness and truthfulness. Only then they will be of
value. Swami also said that now people are doing Show work rather than
doing social work. Swami asked the devotee to see the god in themselves.
Swami said that there is no use changing gods every time something
happens. God is one and pray to one God from birth to death. Swami said
that devotees should not aspire for worldly pleasures and should seek
spiritual life. Swami said at the end of the discourse that he was very
happy that so many people showed their love to Swami by attending the
event. Swami wished them all a peace full, happy life. Mr. Anil Kumar
missed the happy life so Swami repeated it again. And the crowd clapped
their hearts out. After the discourse Swami accepted presents from the
guest. Many of them gave Swami gift even the
Indian cricket team did.
After that Swami sat for a while then the Arathi started ending the
morning event. There will more programs in the evening at 5:00 pm.
Announcement was made that Prasadam will be distributed at the food
counters where free food was being give. Then Swami left the ground at
around 10:10 am.
All through the event there was drizzling but never did it rain hardly
enough to stop the proceedings. By the end of the discourse the rain was
completely gone and it was getting warmer."
Report 2
"Om sri sai ram"
Pranams at the Lotus feet of our
beloved Swamy....and sairam to the members of this
Holy group
Amidst slight drizzle and fantastic climate, the birthday celebrations of
our beloved lord started this morning in the Sathya Sai Hill view stadium.
It rained heavily the last night, symbolising the birth of our Lord Sai
Krishna. The rain calmed down, as the sun was rising.
Thousands of
devotees from 180 countries were eagerly waiting for this morning. The
queues to the stadium started as early as 4am. The crowd was
uncontrollable, even to the 2000+police force and equal number of
Sevadals. The stadium was beautifully decorated with flowers and the flags
of various countries displayed around the stadium, symbolizing ONE
universe and ONE universal Lord. Balloons all over and on the top of the
hill, near the mighty Hanuman statue were balloon palm trees, which looked
very attractive. At least 15 cameras were seen all over. Swamy came around
7:30 am amidst cheers and prayers. Swamy, was clad in
beautiful spectacular white robe, wearing the most beautiful smile. There
was not even a iota of pressure on His face, in spite of organising such a
mighty task.
He was seated on the beautiful silver throne on the stage. Swamy was
hardly visible to the devotees seated at the rear end of the stadium, but
was very nice that two giant screens were put on, one on ladies’ side and
one on gents’ side.
Another surprise was at least half a dozen of Indian cricketers attending
the celebrations, including our MASTER BLASTER Sachin Tendulkar. One was
surprised to see them, because there was only one day left (25th ) for the
4th one day match to be played in Eden gardens, Kolkata. All of them were
seated on the floor, Sachin bit closer to Swamy.
The stadium was JAM packed with people
from all over the world. I should say, the number would be at least
2lakhs(2 hundred thousand), every body on their toes to have a glance of
Swamy. After Mr.Indulal Shah and Mr.
Goldstein finished their talks, Swamy stood up to give His birthday
discourse, which is always special. He started His divine discourse at
8:55am and went on for an hour
He started Prema Swaroopulara (embodiments of love) and again with the this verse
(if truth, righteousness, peace and love are absent, all your wordly
education is equal to a BIG zero)
(all your sacred deeds are of no use)
(all the exotic positions are of no use)
He continued, People say that they are doing social work, uplifting people
but in reality, not social work but SHOW WORK. If any one comes to your
door asking for alms, you scold them and sent them away. Man is not
behaving like a man. Hatred and jealousy is ruling the day. there is no
love for human beings, no love for parents.
You say, I'm praying to God, but God is not giving any thing to me rather
ask what you are giving to God. What ever God has given to man kind, is
pure, but human beings are making it impure and blaming God.
He gave on example, one devotee was worshipping Lord Siva. After some
time, he didn’t experience peace of mind, so took the idol of Shiva and
after keeping it in an alma rah, started to worship Krishna. Initially, he
was enjoying Krishna’s company, but later his mind was again disturbed.
After deciding that Krishna is no longer conferring the bliss, keeps the
idol in the alimarah, and worships Rama. Again he had the same experience.
One day, one lady suggested him to worship Goddess. Accordingly he started
worshipping Goddess. One day, Goddess manifests and says, O foolish man,
there is no need to change Gods or idols. What are these idols. They are
made you (Man). Look inside, God is within you. Realise this TRUTH and you
will be always happy. top
Swamy continued, Many people contemplate on God, only in old age. In child
hood they play with kids, in adult hood, they spoil themselves with bad
company. You run after temporal things like money, positions, worldly
things. At the end, they say, I have got every thing in my life, exept
PEACE OF MIND…where is this peace of mind… its within you….
Many people sow seeds when there is no rain and some people don’t sow
seeds in spite of rains (interestingly when He was speaking about rains,
it started raining of course not heavily, the ROMANTIC drizzle as we call
This Human Body is like a water bubble. You don’t know when you will leave
this body. This Human life is GOD’S GIFT. Make use of this body for noble
purposes. Pleasure and Pain co-exist. There is happiness in pain and pain
in happiness. A devotee should not be worried at all.
You have come here, after undergoing lot of trouble. I am very happy for
you all. I will be much more happy, if you practice My teachings. That is
true devotion.
Swamy’s voice was very strong. HE was standing till He finished His
Swamy then sat on His
Silver Thorne for more than 30 minutes while bhajans
were sung on the back ground. Mean while prasadams were brought and Swamy
blessed them and distributed the prasadams personally to dignitaries on
the stage including cricketers. After that a Big birthday cake was placed
in front of Swamy, and Swamy very graciously cut the cake with a long
knife(while HE was still seated on the Throne). The dignitaries were
standing beside Swamy. Sachin Tendulkar (whom we cricket fans call as
Master Blaster) came forward to Swamy and got some advice from the Divine
master, while He was holding Swamy’s hands. I first saw Sachin Tendulkar,
when he came to play a match in puttaparth in 1997. He batted
fantastically and Swamy with love slapped on His cheeks, and exactly after
a month or so, He devasted the Australian bowling with two consecutive
centuries in sharjah. One would not be surprised if he makes a century in
Eden gardens, Kolkata on 25th Nov against South Africans.top
Prof. Anil Kumar, announced that Prasadam will be given to devotees with
lunch at various FREE food counters in Mandir. Swamy then left the stadium
in His TOYOTA PORTE car which has the automatic wheel chair. While leaving
the stadium, the car went bit fast, with at least 15 men surrounding the
tiny car amidst cheers from the vast gathering.
Over all it was a fantastic morning, to all those lucky devotees who could
make it to Parthi to witness the 80th birthday celebrations. Some people
sounded bit irritated with the crowd and sweared will never come to Parthi
when such a big crowd is around, some said, it’s a different feeling and
lots of FUN.. but the fact is its HIS will, when ever He calls you have to
be here, even if you like it or dislike it…
May Swamy bless all of us with His choicest blessings to help us to know
the divinity with in us and the courage and strength to fight the demonic
qualities in us…
With Swamy from Puttaparthi
group post SBOI
November 2005 14:00 Hrs. IST Reporting from Prasanthi Nilayam
Festival of Bliss
Finally THE DAY ushered
in! Much before the Sun made its appearance in the eastern horizon, the
chunk of Sai Fraternity from all over the globe thronged to this Spiritual
Capital, occupied their position well in advance to ensure a rare glimpse
of the most beauteous form of the Lord walking on two feet, whose physical
frame entered into the 80th Year of His sojourn on planet Earth. Yes, it
is eighty years now since the world of today began to see God in human
form – a rare privilege that is reported to have been enjoyed by human
race in the Tretha and in the Dwapara. But today’s world is certainly more
fortunate than that in the earlier Yugas, for now only the Lord chose to
move with His creation more freely revealing His identity occasionally
making the coveted access to the Avatar of the Age possible for all with
no discrimination. …and TODAY was yet another occasion to taste His
greater magnanimity, greater benevolence!!! The Lord of Compassion, Lord
of Love…Who is often hailed as …Love in Action…Love that Conquers…was out
there...just for the happiness of His Own…His Own Reflections!!! …as was
reiterated by Him over and over again, to the tune that there is no
birthday festival for Him; Just for the sake of fulfilling devotees desire
and fill them with joy that He goes on celebrating birthdays.
The overcast conditions
and shower during the penultimate night and another bout of rains during
the previous afternoon cast a pall of gloom on the last minute
preparations at the main venue, Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium. But, it
was indeed His sheer Grace that Willed and made it possible for the
proceedings to continue unhampered, in spite of intermittent drizzle that
was reluctant to stop on a day when sun was forced to take backstage under
the overcast conditions.
The Lord was accorded a
traditional, grand, red carpet welcome that was majestic and just,
unmatched by any, by Bhagawan’s pet elephant Sai Geeta., the Veda Chanting
students followed by Bhangra dancers at 7.40 a.m. IST. It was indeed a
sight to see, as the whole of the stadium went agog with bursting
colourful ribbon crackers as Bhagawan made His grand entry in His open
car, in the backdrop of a welcome song hailing His Advent. Bhagawan went
straight on to the specially decorated Shanti Vedika to occupy the Special
Throne to grand His coveted Birthday Darshan. It was indeed a wonderful
sight to see the Lord in His white shining robe benevolently smiling at
the devoted gathering that filled every nook and corner and galleries of
the Stadium.
Soon the stage, which was
specially erected at the western end was taken over by a group of dancers
who were dancing to the tune of a welcome song which was followed by
Telugu film star Sai Kumar who paid glowing tributes eulogising the Lord
on the 80th Year of His Advent on earth. Soon after, cricket legend Sunil
an ardent devotee of Bhagawan for the last three decades took over the
mike to pay His obeisance on his behalf as well as all others assembled at
the Stadium. Simultaneously, there was a procession of devotees from
different continents with diverse cultures united with one single thread
of Love for Bhagawan paying obeisance at His Lotus Feet in their
traditional style. Sri Gavaskar who compered the show in English
introduced Maj. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, India’s Silver Medalist at the
Athens Olympics, followed by members of current Indian Cricket Team,
namely, V.V.S. Laxman, Murali Karthik, R. P. Singh, J.P.Yadav, Yuvraj
Singh, Suresh Raina, Sreeshant, and Sachin Tendulkar. Maj. Rajyavardhan
Singh Rathore was invited by Sunil Gavaskar to hoist the Global Peace
Insignia for the well being of humanity. Maj.Rathore after receiving
blessings from Bhagawan took it out of Shanti Vedika went on to the
specially erected stage to show the Insignia to the mammoth gathering
before hoisting the same to the high end near Hanuman Statue. Soon a
scroll rolled down on the western slope with the message, “May there be
Peace, Unity and Love in the World”. Sachin Tendulkar in his prayer to
Bhagawan said they are extremely honoured to be in His presence on this
auspicious occasion. He further prayed on behalf of the entire cricket
team members to bless them and stay with them.
The first speaker for the
session was Sri Indulal Shah, formerly World Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai
Organisations, and currently Advisor to the Prasanthi Council, the
overseeing body for Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, Overseas. Mr. Shah while
offering his prayerful salutations at His Lotus Feet mentioned that he has
been under the Divine Grace and Protection for the past forty years under
whose Guidance he could see the birth and growth of Sri Sathya Sai
Organisations. Bhagawan’s Message of Love is beyond countries, culture,
religion and race and it is time for all of us to blend into Brotherhood
of Mankind.
Dr. Michael Goldstein,
Chairman, Prasanthi Council, the overseeing body for Sri Sathya Sai
Organisations, Overseas in his exhilarating speech highlighted that the
era of peace is here for us to experience. Bhagawan is fathomless, never
ending Divine Love and we have the golden fortune to be here on this day
of age when God walks on Earth. Talking about the Divine Mystery of
Bhagawan, he said that he had the temerity to ask Bhagawan to see the
world through His eyes for which Bhagawan replied that if he was allowed
to see through His eyes, he would not want his family, his wealth, his
body or anything in life. Dr. Goldstein then prayed to Bhagawan to bless
the huge concourse of devotees with His Divine Benedictory Message.
Bhagawan in His Divine
discourse highlighted the importance of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Prema
in one’s daily conduct. These seminal values should permeate one’s conduct
from dawn to dusk. Man is not ‘Manava’ if he does not help fellow humans
in distress. Referring to people who involve themselves in social work, He
said that people instead of doing social work do ‘show’ work. Realisation
of one’s innate divinity is one’s goal of life. But, unfortunately man
today craves for the deep wine of worldly pleasures instead of pursuing
the path of self-realisation. Bhagawan asked people to emulate His ideal
of selfless love and service for humanity. In all His Divine discourses He
invariably speaks on the values of Truth and Love. The quintessence of His
teachings is Truth and Love. He expressed His joy at the vast concourse of
humanity that throng the Hill View Stadium and blessed them to enjoy long,
peaceful and happy life. He said that people would derive real ananda by
practising His teachings.
After His Divine
Discourse there was display of fireworks and Bhagawan personally
distributed prasadam to each member of Indian Cricket team.
The highlights of
Swami’s Discourse: 8.52 a.m.
Premaswarupulara, without
Truth, Righteousness, Love and Peace, everything is useless. Be it
charity, good actions, exalted position or any other thing. Man is born to
be peaceful. There are so many people with high positions and great
designations. But what is the use? Have they been able to improve the
position of the poor people? Everybody does Show Work, not Social Work.
Man will enjoy Truth, Peace and Love if he is compassionate.
We must help our fellowmen. All face difficulties in life. But we must
consider joy and sorrow alike. In order to progress in life, we must
develop a sense of equanimity. Without Samaanatva (a sense of equality),
how can there be Samaaja (society)? There is pain embedded in pleasure.
But today man gets very disturbed even with the slightest difficulty. If
you ask any common man, he will say that he has got all the comforts,
wealth and money, but he has no peace. How do you expect to get mental,
peace? We always ask everybody – who are you, but we never put the
question to ourselves - who am I? Once you know your reality, you will be
free from all difficulties.
We have no right to call ourselves humans without practicing human values.
God does not expect you to keep worshipping Him all the while. He wants
you to work and set an ideal for the community. Man is actually Divine.
Jiva is negative and Divinity is positive. Both together form man. One
must do Atma Chintana to understand this. Once you do Self enquiry, I will
manifest in you. The Cosmic Principle is present in all. You do not need
to exclusively search for God. He is in all.
You all are forms of Atma, not merely the body. The indweller is
permanent. It has no bondage or liberation. Can anyone say, ‘My Atma is
dead? No, this is not possible. Even after this body made up of five
senses perishes, the Self continues to exist. Without an object, there can
be no reflection. There is no separate sun for India and America. It is
the same sun that is seen in both places but the time varies. So too,
existence is the same everywhere.
Remember, if you are in conflict with somebody else, you are actually in
conflict with yourself. You may think that the other person has lost
against you but in reality you yourself have lost. Never differentiate
between each other. Who are you? Some may say - I am the body. How long
will it last? Body is like a water bubble, it can burst any minute. Others
may say - I am the mind. What is the mind? It is merely a bundle of
desires. It can give way any time. It is monkey mind. You must not be a
monkey mind, you must have a man mind.
Think that I am God in human form. Leave aside the body and consider
yourself as God. You are ready to worship a statue that has been built by
you but you are not ready to worship your own Self within. Have Atma
Vishvasam - Self confidence. You go to Tirupati and say that Lord
Venkateswara is my family deity. Somebody else goes to Ayodhya and says
that Lord Rama is my family deity. All are one. Consider God as one, and
then only you will get peace. Desires may be many, but the reality behind
them is one. Good and Bad are also two different words, but in essence
they are one. Today, you may call somebody as good, tomorrow as bad. All
these are relative terms.
Human life is very precious. Do not consider yourself as simple human
beings. You may have different names and forms but the Self is the same.
Do not go merely by the form. Understand the spirit behind the form.
Unless the husk is removed from the rice it will keep growing again. This
is the reason for birth and death. Remove the husk and make it into rice
grains, then it will not sprout again. Idli, Dosa, Puliyora, Sakar Pongal
are all rice preparations. Rice is the same but it is the mode of cooking
that makes the difference. This cooking or refinement is called Sanskara.
It is the transformation process.
Man is getting spoilt because of his materialistic vision. He has to
transform this vision on his own. God has bestowed everything on man in a
very pure form. You are spoiling them using your mind. Therefore
annihilate or withdraw the mind. Then all will be fine. You all are
sacred, but the clouds of desires appear and spoil you. However, these
clouds will pass away. Once it is cleared, you can see the sun.
In childhood, we while away our time playing. In youth, we get deluded on
account of our age and ego. In old age we keep repenting for all that we
could not achieve. At the end we may have experienced everything but there
is no peace. The stages of your life may change, but you are one and the
same. Change your vision (Drushti). Do not try to change Srushti
(creation). That is God's domain. He can do anything if He wishes.
Just as Muslims chant "Allah Ho Akbar" which means "You are our only
refuge", so too Hindus must say, "I want only God". But today no one wants
Divine, all go for Deep Wine.
At this point Swami narrates the story of the devotee who kept changing
the object of his worship. He starts with Shiva, Rama, then Krishna and
finally Devi. He gets some satisfaction with each one but then slowly
starts losing interest. Finally, when the devotee tries to stop the
fragrance of the incense sticks lighted for Devi from going towards the
other photos locked inside the cupboard, Devi manifests Herself and chides
him for being so fickle minded. She asks the devotee as to what is the
guarantee that he will continue to worship Her? Never change your mind
like this.
To be good, merely undertaking acts of charity is not enough. Surrender to
God. Then only you will be happy. Desires make the mind go astray. You may
ask whether there is any witness for all this. Is there anyone who
embodies all this? I alone am the witness to this. I have absolutely no
desires. I can go anytime I want. I can materialize anything that I want.
Never desire for fleeting things. Ask for that which is eternal. Today we
may hold high positions. But this will hold good only till our retirement.
The innate Divinity has no retirement at all. Love is the undercurrent,
Truth is the spoken word. Preserve both. Remain in Love always. Do not
limit your Love only to your family and relatives. All are Divine. I
always Discourse on only this Message. That is the very purpose of My
addressing such large gatherings. I am very happy that you all have
listened to My Message. I have received the Love of so many of you who
have come here. I know you all have come for Me. Practice the teachings
given by Me, then I will be even more Happy!
Do not make your Love physical. Let it always be Divine. I have spoken a
lot and given you strain. All is God's work. Do all your actions with this
feeling. That is enough. It will make Me happy. On this auspicious
occasion, I am Blessing you all with My Love. May you all have a long,
healthy, peaceful and happy life!
It is 9.50 a.m. Swami sits down on the throne. He sips some water. A huge
cake is brought onto the stage in a trolley. Bhagawan cuts the cake and
there is loud applause. He also lights the candle on the cake. After this,
the cricketers stand up next to Swami. But Swami keeps sitting. He sits
silently waving His Hand, with Bliss pouring out from His Being and
reaching out to the multitudes. Twenty minutes pass by. It is 10.10 a.m.
Some sweets are brought and Swami personally distributes the sweets to all
the cricketers. Finally, Aarti is offered. Immediately huge blasts,
showers of crackers and melodious songs fill the air. Swami gets down from
the throne and sits on His chair. Slowly, He comes onto the lift, descends
and gets into the car.
He is now in the Toyota Porte which glides along the central red pathway
and we manage to catch a glimpse of Him again. Prof. Anil Kumar makes two
announcements. Evening programme begins in the Hill View Stadium at 5.00
p.m. and Prasadam will be distributed along with lunch at the free food
Note: Watch out for Sanskar TV around 9 PM (India) and 3:30 PM (GMT) for
Telecast of Birthday Celebrations.
Birthday messages

You are
really fortunate, having done great merit, for you are able to enjoy the
Divine proximity of Sai. It is your great good fortune that you are able
to sing with Swami and play with Him. You are with Sai and Sai is with
you. That is why I often say, "I and you are one." The power and glory of
God is beyond the ken of human understanding. Develop unwavering faith in
- 23 Nov.
On this
Birthday, you have to learn something very important, i.e., do not waste
your time in idle talk. Time once lost cannot be regained. Consider truth
as God. Sathyannasti Paro Dharmah (there is no Dharma greater than
adherence to truth). Hence follow the path of truth and practise
-23 Nov. 2002
"When I was coming here this morning, everyone wished me "Happy Birthday"!
I am always happy. You have to wish a Happy Birthday to one who does not
have happiness. I do not need it. If you want to attain happiness, you
should understand that happiness is union with God. Every human being
imagines that happiness is somewhere outside him and strives to attain it
through various activities.
-23 Nov.
"What can I tell you for the
day? Whenever I see you, My heart overflows with love. When I visibly see
so many of you exhibiting your love for Me, there is no limit to My joy. I
have not sent out invitations to any of you. The love in Me has drawn you
here. Your love to God and God's love to you is the true message. What can
one say as a message? I give and you receive and you give and I receive.
This exchange is the true bondage between man and God. You should all be
comfortable and happy. Increase your spiritual dimensions. Live with the
firm conviction that there is a single divinity resident in all."
Nov. 2000
invited you here? You have all come here out of love for Swami. Out of
this love alone, so many thousands have assembled here. Here is Bhagavan
ready to be taken away by you. Carry Him away with you as you like. Those
who love Bhagavan wholeheartedly, to them He belongs wholly. All that
Bhagavan asks of you is your wholehearted unconditional love. Recognize
this truth and lead your life filled with love. Take this as Swami's gift
to you. Do not hate anybody. Hating anybody is no different from hating
God Himself. Surrender your whole being and belongings to God. Experience
unalloyed Divine bliss."
Nov. 1999
"This is the birthday of this body. Truly speaking I have no birthday.
Since all of you have assembled here, I am celebrating this day as
birthday. This birthday is not important for Me. The day when all of you
are happy is My true birthday. I desire nothing but your Bliss, Love and
Sacrifice. My Bliss lies in your being the embodiments of thyaga and yoga
and experiencing divinity there from. I wish that you all live an ideal
life in peace and security. On this auspicious day fill your hearts with
noble feelings and chant the name of God."
Nov. 1998
"As I was
coming to the Hall, many devotees greeted me with the words, "Happy
Birthday!" They should wish for "happy birthdays" for those who are not
happy. I do not need your birthday greetings. The Divine is perennially in
bliss (Nithyaanandam)."
- 23
Nov. 1997
thousands of people have gathered here. What has brought them together
here? Love is the main cause. Without love few of you would have come from
such distant places (cheers). How does this love express itself? It is a
process of give and take. You have to receive God's love. And you have to
offer your love. But both are one and the same love. God's love is
reflected in your bodies. That is the meaning of the Gita declaration: "A
fragment of Mine is present in everyone in the cosmos".
23 Nov. 1996
"We celebrate birthday. What is this birthday? Whose birthday? We say
my birthday. Who am I? You don't ask that question. You say my birthday
because you identify yourself with the body. But later you say it is my
stomach. If you say my stomach, then who are you? You say my senses, my
mind, my intellect, then who am I? You are separate. This is my kerchief.
When I say this, I am different from my kerchief. When you say my body,
you and the body are different. Therefore, the body, mind, senses,
intellect, all are instruments. But you are the master for all these. That
is I. Make an effort to recognize that I.
It is the 70th birthday of this body. You have to know one important
thing. Swami does not need anything. He does not expect any dress. Swami
belongs to you. Swami is not separate from you. You are not separate from
Swami. That is the intimate relation between Swami and you."
Birthday- 23 Nov. 1995
"Today as
an offering to Swami, give up meat eating, consuming liquor and smoking.
By renouncing these three, you will benefit yourselves as well as society
and the nation. If you wish to carry out Swami's aim, renounce from this
moment itself these three bad practices. Do not put it off to tomorrow.
Take the resolve from this moment. Expecting that you will carry out
Swami's wish and thereby promote the well being of your family and the
nation, I bless all of you"
- 23
Nov. 1994
celebrate the birthday of Bhagavan. But do you follow the teachings? You
will experience the fruits of celebrating the birthday only when you
follow the teachings."
"You should not be concerned with how many have come for Swami's birthday
but how many are following Swami's teachings. If every devotee is able to
influence two persons, soon the whole world will be reformed. Embodiments
of love! There is only one thing you have to offer to Me today. Pray that
people in all countries, may the entire humanity, should be happy and at
peace. "Lokaas samasthaas-sukhino bhavanthu" (Let all the worlds be
happy). Then alone there will be real unity. Do not wish me only for the
peace and prosperity of India alone. Pray for the welfare of all
countries. All are our brothers, whether they are in Pakistan or America
or elsewhere."
- 23
Nov. 1993
"Why is
it that so many lakhs of people have gathered here today? There must be
some compelling reason for it. You must be seeking something which you
have not found in your native place. There would be no need for you to
incur all this expenditure if you could find what you wanted in your own
place. Here there is Divine Love. It is this powerful magnet of Divine
Love which has been attracting all the iron filings in the form of human
- 65th
Birthday, 23 Nov 1990
" I
desire one thing from you. Develop brotherhood with all. Adopt right
conduct always. Give up selfish activity. Welcome all chances to serve the
illiterate and the poor.
As part of the sixtieth Birthday Celebrations, I am prescribing a test
which you have to accept. When you undergo it and emerge victorious, you
can be pronounced as real humans. The farmer ploughs the field, sows the
seed and watches the crop grow, until the grain is harvested. The next
process is winnowing. The light chaff will then be carried away by the
wind and the hard grain will stay. I shall start winnowing from now; the
test will remove the chaff." - 60th Birthday, 23 Nov 1985
courtesy -
online source: Photos: SBOI group /sssbpt.org/puttaparthi.org/saibabaofindia.com - web layout & graphics