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Sai Baba of Shirdi  a walking example of religious and communal harmony, Sai Baba lived in a ((Islam) a Muslim place of worship) mosque, was buried in a  mandir (Hindu temple), embraced several Hindu and Muslim practices and spoke in a language that drew from both traditions. His most popular dictum is one of tolerance, one that speaks to the truths of both the (The sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina) Qur'an and the (A later sacred text of Hinduism of a mystical nature dealing with metaphysical questions) Upanishads, the simple statement that says of (The supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions) God: "Sab ka Malik Ek" ("[He] is the Lord of All.")(सबका मािलक एक)

The Fast of Ramadan

According to the Islamic Society of North America the first day of fasting for Ramadan 2005 is expected to be October 05th.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The Month of Ramadan is also when it is believed the Holy Quran "was sent down from heaven, a guidance unto men, a declaration of direction, and a means of Salvation"
It is during this month that Muslims fast. It is called the Fast of Ramadan and lasts the entire month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims concentrate on their faith and spend less time on the concerns of their everyday lives. It is a time of worship and contemplation

During the Fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed on the daily lives of Muslims. They are not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting. At the end of the day the fast is broken with prayer and a meal called the iftar. In the evening following the iftar it is customary for Muslims to go out visiting family and friends. The fast is resumed the next morning

According to the Holy Quran:

One may eat and drink at any time during the night "until you can plainly distinguish a white thread from a black thread by the daylight: then keep the fast until night"

The good that is acquired through the fast can be destroyed by five things -

the telling of a lie
denouncing someone behind his back
a false oath
greed or covetousness

These are considered offensive at all times, but are most offensive during the Fast of Ramadan

During Ramadan, it is common for Muslims to go to the Masjid (Mosque) and spend several hours praying and studying the Quran. In addition to the five daily prayers, during Ramadan Muslims recite a special prayer called the Taraweeh prayer (Night Prayer). The length of this prayer is usually 2-3 times as long as the daily prayers. Some Muslims spend the entire night in prayer

On the evening of the 27th day of the month, Muslims celebrate the Laylat-al-Qadr (the Night of Power). It is believed that on this night Muhammad first received the revelation of the Holy Quran. And according to the Quran, this is when God determines the course of the world for the following year

When the fast ends (the first day of the month of Shawwal) it is celebrated for three days in a holiday called Id-al-Fitr (the Feast of Fast Breaking). Gifts are exchanged. Friends and family gather to pray in congregation and for large meals. In some cities fairs are held to celebrate the end of the Fast of Ramadan.

The Muslim Faith


A Brief Look at Islam
Islam began in Arabia when the Prophet Muhammad (Mohammad, Mohammed) heard the word of God. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570AD. When he was 40 he was called to become God's messenger. At a time when the Arabs had many beliefs and gods, Muhammad taught that there was only one god - Allah (which is God in Arabic)
The Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad and taught him the verses of Holy Quran (Koran), the Holy Book of Islam

The most important message of the Holy Quran is that God is the creator of the world and controls everything in it. Muslims are called upon to surrender to the will of God. They must live according to the rules of the Holy Quran and perform the five main duties of Islam - called the Five Pillars of Faith

The word Muslim (Moslem) means "one who gives himself to God" in Arabic. Islam means "submission or obedience to God"

Islam gives guidance to all aspects of life. Muslims cannot eat pork. Other meats must be halal (allowed) - the animals are slaughtered in a way that gives the least pain, and "In the name of God" is recited before it is killed. Muslims should not drink alcohol. They should not fight except for Islam. They must not gamble. Muslims should give to the poor and less fortunate and must be kind to strangers.