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27th June: Sai
Baba Darshan News: "..At 3.25 p.m. Swami drove inside Sai
Kulwant hall, after giving a brief darshan Bhagavan's car drove
directly towards the mandir verandah...."
read more

26th June: Thrilling experiences with Bhagavan: An
interesting interview with Prof Anil Kumar
"...I have also seen
Swami materialising the necklace of Ravana with 365 Siva Lingas,
three large Siva Lingas at the centre, down below, where you have
the pendant, one yellow, one green, one blue and all the other 362
Lingas made of gold...." read more

Also read updated: 20-06-06, Up close and personal with
In the year 2002, on the occasion of
Gurupoornima, Bhagawan inaugurated the Sri Sathya Sai Deena Janoddharana
Pathakamu, a scheme under which residential units were constructed to
house destitutes and orphaned children belonging to the weaker sections of
the society. Sixty children from various villages around Puttaparthi are
now supported by this scheme. Rs.1 lakh has been deposited in the name of
each child in addition to the free housing, food, clothing, education and
other daily needs being provided. The residential units are located in a
colony named Sri Sathya Sai Nagar in the village of Kammavaripalli behind
the western perimeter of the ashram. A school also has been built here
where the
children are provided formal
education as also vocational training. This institution has become a role
model for many such institutions in Andhra Pradesh.
Four years
have passed since the Institution was started. On the evening of 20th June
2006, the children of the home celebrated the foundation day in the divine presence
of Bhagawan. The love of the children for Bhagawan and Bhagawan’s concern
and care was well depicted through a canvas in Sai Kulwant Hall.
came to the Hall to the chant of Vedic hymns at 3.55 p.m. The programme
began with an invocation by the students who chanted the ‘Narayana Suktam’.
At the outset, a boy from the Institution expressed his gratitude to
Bhagawan for providing them food, clothing and a safe haven to live in. We
can only offer ourselves and pray for His grace, he said. The boy informed
the audience that 9 boys had passed the 10th class and some others had
joined B.Sc. (Information Technology) to pursue their further studies.
Their next
presentation was a thematic play on the concept of ancient Vedic wisdom
and modern technology presented as a dialogue between two narrators. The
opening scene depicts Adi Sankara, the renowned Vedantist of yore,
eulogising Lord Siva. The narrators deplore that in this holy land that
has given birth to such great men of wisdom like Adi Shankara, society has
today fallen to the lures of the materialistic world and ignored its
glorious heritage. The next scene portrays a few priests performing a
Yagna (offering of oblations in the sacrificial fire) when the great
emperor Alexander on his conquering expedition happens on the scene. He
converses with the priests and he is impressed him by their self
confidence and simplicity. He asks them to reveal the secret of their
contentment. The priests reply that true happiness can be gained only by
conquering one’s desires and not by conquest of empires.

Then the
scene shifts to a typical urban household in India. An old man who prides
in the richness of Indian culture is shocked at seeing his grandson’s
flippant attitude towards the values and ethos of this great land.
He decides that it is time that the boy learnt that the wonders of modern
technology that he was so much in awe of were already known to the sages
of ancient India. He cites examples such as the ancient Indian treatise on
air travel as well as missiles and warheads, Vaimanika Sastra, and various
surgical procedures detailed in the Charaka Samhita. He explains to the
boy that it is not technology that is evil, but it is the harmful ways in
which it is being applied. The play brought out the numerous ways that
technology, especially Information Technology, can benefit society. It is
only spirituality that can lend completeness to science was the message of
the skit.
presentation concluded with a moving
song that expressed the gratitude the boys felt towards Swami for the sea
change that Swami had brought about in their lives and who cared for them
as only a loving mother can. At the end of the programme, Bhagawan
lovingly granted photographs to the boys. After Prasadam distribution and
Arati, Bhagawan retired to His residence.
20-06-06, Tuesday update! - Up close and personal with Swami
Today the
boys at the Deenajanoddharana Patakam (DJP) had obtained permission from
Swami to put up a programme for which they had been toiling for from the
1st of June. All the boys were ready in the mandir by 2pm itself. Those in
costumes were in the bhajan hall waiting for Swami's arrival. Swami came
out at 3:25pm in the Porte car. He went straight to the bhajan hall. He
inquired from a few actors there as to what their roles were. Then He told
them, "Perform well and touch everyone's heart." He came out and sat on
the sofa.
At about 3:55pm He asked for the programme to begin. It started with
vedam chanting by tiny tots of the DJP. They were also in costumes (!) as
little Brahmin pundits with long pilakas. They chanted the
Narayanopanishad. Swami blessed them. This was followed by a speech in
English by another student. He said that by Swami's grace, the boys had
not only passed 12th with top classes but had also got enrolled for
Undergraduate courses too! (Last year when Swami had blessed the DJP
students, He had expressed that they too must be able to speak in English.
It was a Herculean effort for the lad but he did a commendable job.) Swami
was very happy and blessed the speaker. Then a tiny 'Sankaracharya' with
his shishyas came onstage with the card carrying details of the programme.
Swami was overwhelmed with emotion as He saw the kids coming towards Him.
Very lovingly, He enquired their names and blessed them by placing His
hand on their heads. The programme that followed was an emotion filled one
with lot of wisdom.
It started with a dance rejoicing for the fact that all were
in Sai's presence. Two comperes stepped onto the performance area. The
programme was about the erosion of Bharatiya culture and it extolled the
glory of our culture. There was a short skit about how Alexander the great
comes across a few sages lost in their yagna and mocks at their
foolishness. Then the sages explain the significance of each and every
ritual and Alexander is brought to his knees. There was also a comic
portrayal of a family where the generation gap is matched by the
technological gap. The futility of cell phones when one is not able to
connect with the heart and the dangers of the internet if used
indiscriminately for everything was highlighted. They also showed how
television has today become televisham. There was also the depiction of
the declaration of the ultimate truth, "Shivoham" by Sankaracharya. All
these were interspersed with lively and colorful dances. When the dance
for a song which was about the mother aspect of Swami was being performed,
Swami was completely overwhelmed. Here were children whom the world
considered as 'orphans' declaring that they were the luckiest children to
have found not one but a million mothers. Tears formed and dropped from
the divine eyes. Swami was engrossed in the programme throughout and was
very touched. The programme ended with a colourful and beautiful final
formation right up in front of Swami.
Swami rose from His seat and descended down the steps. He stood amidst
the DJP children and posed for photographs. He came back but did not sit.
He told all the children to sit down near Him. He stood holding the
railing. One could see the love pouring out of His eyes. There was a
plethora of Abhayahastas. He called some of the children and spoke to
them. He blessed all the trinkets and other things that they had and also
took all the letters they had to offer. It was only after about 7-8
minutes that He asked for the Aarthi to be taken. As the Aarthi was waved,
Swami blessed everyone and went into the interview room. Then there were
bhajans. Even during the bhajans Swami was 'lost' in the programme that
had just been performed. He appeared very touched and happy. After bhajans
He received Aarthi and retired to YM.