Anything in Life can be Achieved with Faith in God
26th December 2007
Prasanthi Nilayam
A man with anger cannot achieve anything.
He commits mistakes and indulges in sinful deeds.
He is despised by everyone.
Love is God and God is love.
Devoid of love, humans cannot exist.
(Telugu poem)

It is lack of love that is responsible for all the differences, arguments, and
conflict in the world, especially in the present times. Several people say that the
world is afflicted today with sorrow, losses, and difficulties. I do not subscribe
to this view. I tell you, they are all our illusion only. In fact, there is no
unrest or sorrow in this world. I just see peace, peace, and peace only, everywhere.
When there is peace in our heart, we will be able to witness peace all round.
Unrest, sorrow, anger, etc., are the reaction, reflection, and resound of the state
of our inner being. Sorrows and difficulties, anger and unrest are of our own making
and creation. They are not natural phenomena in the world.
When someone enquires after your name, you give some name. (Swami at this point
asked the name of one student sitting in front of Him. The boy replied, “Vikas”). In
fact, that is not his real name. Similarly, you enquire from each one and they give
different names. However, if God were to mention His name, He will say Aham
Brahmasmi (I am Brahman). In fact, all of us should repeat the same name since we
are all Embodiments of Divine Self. All our names are given to us by our parents. We
are not born with any particular name. Those who cannot realise this truth cannot
lead a happy life.
Embodiments of Love!
Actually love is another name of Brahman. In fact, love, Atma, Prema, Aham, or
— all these names carry the same meaning. There is nothing in this world
except love. But, unfortunately, we are not able to understand what love is. We
consider Love as relating to the world. We consider it to be physical. In fact, it
does not at all relate to the physical realm. It is truth, verily. “You are not one
person, but three: the one you think you are, the one others think you are, and the
one you really are. What others think is all imagination. The Self within you is the
only truth.
Who is this Self? That is “I”. This “I” is the same in all. The Christians worship
the cross (†). The cross is a symbol exhorting people to get rid of ego. No one is
different from you. Hence, you must always bear the truth that all are one (I).
Those that are born out of karma and grow and perish ultimately (namely the physical
bodies) are unreal. Hence, you are always Brahman, in accordance with the Vedic
declaration Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahma). It is only when you consider yourself to
be Brahman that you can realise this Truth. Till then, you will be confined to the
different names like Ramanna, Krishnananna, etc., that have been given to you by
your parents for the purpose of identification. Surely, you did not come into this
world with any name.
When someone enquires of the parents about the name of their newly born child, they
may reply that no name has been given to the child yet. It is thus clear that all
names given to us are by someone only and not innate. They are for the purpose of
identification of the concerned individuals. There are millions and millions of
people inhabiting this world, but none seems to have realised the truth that they
are God. Unfortunately, today we are leading our lives with names given to us by
What is Brahman? “I”. The Brahman neither is born nor has ‘death’. That is the only
Truth; other events come and go. For example, I have willed to create this chain
(Swami created a gold chain with His divine hand). This has been created by My
Divine Will. It was not there earlier. Thus, all things and beings in this world are
born out of sankalpa (will). Hence divine Sankalpa is the cause for all creation.
In addition, maya (illusion) also plays its role. When maya and Truth come together,
creation takes place. Without maya, there can be no creation. The maya is like a
shadow to a human being. But this shadow deludes us. At sunrise, our shadow is long.
As the sun gradually rises, the shadow falls under our feet at mid-day. Thus, the
shadow grows and shrinks. We should not therefore mistake the shadow as our basis.
Embodiments of Love!
Love is the foremost quality of a human being. And faith is the basis for that love.
The spelling of the world love is LOVE. Here ‘L’ stands for ‘Lord’. Thus, Love is
born out of the Lord (God). The entire creation is a manifestation of God’s love, be
it a tiny ant or a mighty elephant. Everything is the creation of God. Not even a
blade of grass will move without divine Will, People who do not realise this truth
get carried away by their pride of intelligence and discrimination.
But no one, however great they may be, knows what lies ahead for them in future.
(Telugu poem)
How did this blade of grass come into existence? It is nothing but God’s Will!
Similarly, every human being is born out of divine Will only. There can be no
creation without God. When you look at the earth during summer it looks parched.
But, with the onset of rainy season, the earth looks green with various plants. From
where did they come? From the rain. The rain came from the clouds. The clouds are
caused by the sun. And, the sun itself originated from God. Thus, the entire
creation has its origin in God. There can be no air, sun, rain or plants without
Knowing this truth, we still tend to forget God. On the other hand, we remember
everything else. This is not correct. Never forget God. If you forget God, it
amounts to forgetting everything. For God is the source and cause for everything.
Unfortunately, today, we are forgetting the fundamentals or root cause for the
entire Universe.
If there is no foundation, there can be no walls. If there are no walls, there can
be no roof. You cannot live in a house that has no roof. Hence, first and foremost
the foundation is very important. Based on the foundation, the pillars are raised
and finally the roof is laid. Based on this analogy, self-confidence is the
foundation, self-satisfaction is the wall, self-sacrifice is the roof and finally
self-realisation is life.
Thus, there should be a foundation for everything. That is fundamental truth. We are
forgetting this fundamental truth.
Jesus was the son of Joseph and Mary. When Mary was carrying him in her womb, Joseph
and Mary were required to travel to Bethlehem to take part in a census ordered by
the Roman Emperor. They had to travel all the way riding on a donkey. It was an
arduous journey. When they finally reached Bethlehem, it was night. There was no
place for them to rest and they were tired. Joseph searched and searched for a
resting place, but he could not find any. Finally, he went to a cattle shed and
knocked at the door. He explained to the inn keeper that Mary was about to give
birth to a child. The inn keeper reluctantly gave them a place in a corner to spend
the night. The same night, Mary gave birth to a baby boy. A makeshift bed was
arranged for the newly born child, with some old clothes and dry leaves.
The boy was named Jesus. He was happily growing under the loving care of mother
Mary. When he grew up as a boy, Joseph and Mary had to travel to Jerusalem to
participate in a festival. Jesus got mixed up in the crowd and could not be traced
in spite of an intensive search. The parents were very worried. At last, Jesus
returned to his parents.
When asked where he had gone, he replied that he went to hear the discourse of a
priest in a nearby temple. The priest had taught him, “You alone are the truth;
remember this.”
Constantly contemplating on this teaching, Jesus thereafter wandered and wandered
alone for a long time and later came near a river, where some boatmen were sitting.
The first among them seen by Jesus was Peter. Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”
He replied, “My name is Peter. He is my father” (pointing to an old man sitting
nearby). The old man was making fishing nets. Jesus made friendship with Peter.
Peter complained to Jesus, “We went in search of fish for the whole of yesterday but
could not find even one.”
Jesus replied, “Go to such and such place. You will find fish in plenty.” Jesus also
accompanied the boatmen in this exercise.
As foretold by Jesus, they could catch plenty of fish. The boatmen wondered, “How
great Jesus is! He knows everything.”
From then on, they treated Jesus as their preceptor. Though he was young in age and
form, he was old enough in wisdom. Hence, all of them were meticulously following
his words. The entire community of fishermen there treated Jesus as their Master,
with great reverence. Even great Masters appear to be ordinary human beings in the
first instance. As they gradually reveal themselves, people will realise their true
nature and flock round them in large numbers. The same is the case with Jesus.
The fishermen could become rich with a bounty of fish, with the help and guidance of
Jesus. As they became rich, jealousy grew among the others. They vied with each
other in seeking his help and guidance. Some people, however, became jealous of
Jesus’ popularity and considered him their enemy. They reported to the chief priest
that Jesus had no miraculous powers and that he was deceiving people. Jesus was
summoned and questioned, “How did you acquire these powers?”
Jesus replied, “All this is divine Will”. Jesus was moving about with his disciples
preaching his doctrine of love and moral principles. Jesus was questioned, “Who are
you?” He replied, “I am Jesus.”
Vexed with the attitude and teachings of Jesus, a death sentence was passed against
him. He was to be crucified. The governor, a kind-hearted person, however, did not
want Jesus to be awarded a death sentence. He lamented that Jesus was a great and
noble man and he was being crucified for no fault of his. He told Jesus, “You are a
great man. These stone-hearted people are trying to kill you without any reason.”
Jesus replied “I am happy that at least you have realised that I am a good person.”
Finally, at the time of his crucifixion, his mother Mary came near and started
shedding tears. Jesus consoled her saying, “Why do you cry, mother? The body is like
a water bubble. Let them do whatever they wish with this body. You think these
people are trying to kill me. I have no death. None can kill me.”
Mary replied, “Are you not the son of this body?”
Jesus replied “Of course! I am related to you at the physical level, as a son. But,
‘I am I’ only. You are all like children to me. You are all Embodiments of
Thus, Jesus attained the highest level of spirituality, having gone through all
tests. Jesus was not merely a human form. He is the Embodiment of Divine Self,
verily. But, some people could not realise his Divinity, as at present. Even now
some people have faith in Divinity whereas others do not. Some extol Divinity,
whereas some others criticise Divinity. It all depends upon their faith. If you
consider a stone as God, it becomes God automatically.
Jesus underwent several trials and tribulations during his time. He became the
Saviour and Messiah of the poor and forlorn. He helped them in many ways. Once,
while he was crossing the desert, a poor woman approached him, begging for food. He
gave her bread saying, “take this.” When someone asked where bread came from. He
replied that it was divine Will.
There is nothing greater than divine Will. Everything is God’s Will. The foremost
duty of a human being is to realise the Will of God and submit himself to that
divine Will. Those who developed faith in the Will of God were protected, while
others were not. Hence, faith is the basis for everything.
People today are blind, having lost their both eyes of faith. Faith is the basis for
all creation. Where there is faith and love, everything else will be added unto such
a person. Hence, first and foremost, one has to develop faith. Several people have
faith, but they lack love. Faith devoid of love has no use. Love and faith must be
together like mutually attractive magnetic poles.
Embodiments of Love!
First and foremost, develop faith. There can be no life without faith. Sometimes,
faith is also termed ‘Self’. Without Self, you cannot help others. Only when there
is faith can you achieve anything in life. Even now, there are several people who
have progressed in life with firm faith in Jesus.
Some people develop faith when their desires are fulfilled. If their desires are not
fulfilled, they lose faith. This type of attitude is not good. Keep your faith firm,
irrespective of whether your desires are fulfilled or not. Preserve your faith
carefully. Faith can work wonders. It can make a blind person see; a dumb speak. Do
not at all doubt the power of faith.
Some incidents happening in this world may shake your faith in God. But, if you hold
on to your faith firmly, you can boldly face any situation.
Even now, some people consider this body (referring to Himself) as an ordinary man.
If that were to be so, how could all these superhuman tasks be achieved? No, no; it
is a mistake to think so. ‘This’ body may appear to be a mere physical entity to
you. It is the fault of your own vision; not Mine. There is something wrong in your
perception. It is a mistake of your vision, not Mine. Hence, correct your vision,
develop right perception.
If you are alright, I will be alright (loud applause). You are all in Me. This is
the fundamental truth. I am getting some things done, making you as My instruments.
For I require some instruments to carry on My mission. Hence, I am moulding you as
those instruments (loud applause). By imparting education, knowledge, and wisdom, I
am developing you all as My instruments. Hence, may you all lead purposeful lives
with firm faith in God!
You think that education and academic degrees have helped you to come up in life.
This view is not at all correct. How many educated people are not there in this
world? Of what use are they to the world? In fact, the world is not benefited by the
educated class. More harm is done to the world by such people than good. More than
education, the spiritual life will protect a person in every way. Devoid of
spiritual outlook, all your education and academic degrees are a mere waste. Their
value is zero. Hence, fill your lives with devotion to God and develop the outlook
“I am not this body. This is a vesture taken upon by Me. There is God inside who is
conducting my life.”
God is “in you, with you, around you, above you, below you” (loud applause). Develop
full faith in Divinity. Then you can achieve anything in life.
Dear students!
You are like fully ripened fruits. But the fruits must contain sweet juice. Without
that sweet juice, it cannot be a fruit. You must all have the sweet juice of love.
If there is no sweet juice, people will just bite the fruit and throw it away.
Hence, fill your hearts with the sweet juice of love.
Whatever be the name and form, develop faith in God. God has several names; but God
is only one. The ornaments may be many, but gold is one. You shall not lose sight of
the gold. Without gold, you cannot make ornaments.
Develop faith as your foremost quality, irrespective of whether it brings you the
desired results or not. Add love to that faith. “I am you and you are Me; you and I
are one” (loud applause).
Ekoham Bahusyam (the One willed to become many). Whoever realises that oneness,
achieves total bliss. Every student shall develop faith in God. I am sure that
students have joined this Institution not merely for acquiring education and
academic degrees. They have come here for learning Swami’s teachings. If you follow
the teachings with firm faith in Swami, you will achieve success in all your
endeavours. You should have faith in Swami’s teachings, love them, adore them, and
follow them. (Bhagawan sang the bhajan “Hari Bhajan Bina Sukha Santhi Nahi …” and
continued His discourse.)
When you do bhajan, you will experience peace and happiness. Hence, constantly do
namasmarana (repeating God’s name) in your heart. You may not be able to do japa
(soft repetition of the name), dhyana (meditation), or yoga; but do namasmarana.
There is no easier path than namasmarana to be in communion with God. Children,
adults, and elderly people — all can do namasmarana. Hence, continue to do
namasmarana throughout your life.
You may study and acquire degrees; but do bhajan also.
Do not consider Jesus as an ordinary mortal. See God in Him. You often refer to
someone and say “He is a man” or “she is a lady”. No, no. This is not the correct
way of identification. Gents or ladies — “all are one; be alike to everyone.”
Lord Krishna, in the Bhagawad Gita, declared, Mamaivamso Jeevaloke Jeevabhutha
Sanathanah (the eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My Being). You are all parts
of Me. You and I are one. You are not different from Me. I am in you, with you,
above you, below you, and around you. Develop that spirit of oneness and lead your
life. I hope I have made Myself clear. The moment you go to your places, do not
think that Swami is there, while I am here. Always develop the feeling “He is with
me, in me, around me, above me, and below me.” All are one (loud applause).
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