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Darshan update- 2nd may 2006
Brindavan Ashram. Bangalore

2nd May 2006: The Brindavan ashram is gearing up
for the upcoming event “Easwaramma Day” on the 6th of May 2006, groups of
devotees from many Indian states are arriving here, the accommodation office
is always busy and it I quite difficult to get a room inside the ashram
especially these coming days. The Ramesh Hall is packed with devotees from
around the globe, they start lining up already between 5-6 a.m. accordingly
as per token line No. the waiting lines enter the Ramesh hall, this morning
also the routine was followed. There is quite tight security in here, that
is, devotees are body checked 2-3 times before entering Sai Ramesh. Even the
seat cushions are bent to see if one has hidden any article etc. No doubt,
all these precautions are there to enhance the security of visiting devotees
and the over all or general security of Brindavan ashram.
After the token lines are settled inside the hall, devotees without the
tokens are allowed to come inside and when the hall is packed the rest of
the devotees sit in the outside area i.e. under the open sky.
It was quite a long wait for devotees who have been sitting in the lines
since 5 a.m. however, after 3 hours and 40 minutes finally Swami entered,
all the necks crane to get a glimpse of living God walking among us, Swami
looked fresh and in good physical shape. After half hours bhajan session
Aarthi was offered to Swami subsequently Swami retired back to TRAYEE.
In the evening the expectations were high since it was going to be a divine
discourse day, it was announced yesterday that today 2nd May Swami will
deliver a discourse. Swami kept His promise! Bhagavan arrived at 4 p.m. and
gave a discourse which lasted for appx. 40 minutes, Swami touched many
subjects e.g. Swami stated that everybody is god, the four values SATHYA [Truth], DHARMA [Righteousness], SHANTHI [Peace] and PREMA [Love] and the important role these
values play in shaping our life towards the spiritual path. Swami emphasized
on a value based life. Swami also stressed that human beings should not live
a mere worldly life based on the body and fulfilling all desires but human
life should be based on Atmic principals since fundamentally one is Atma and
therefore one is god. Swami concluded His divine discourse with the bhajan
Prema muditha mana se kaho Rama Rama Ram.... after the discourse, Swami was
offered the customary Aarthi Swami went back to His residence after the
Aarthi. Also, prasadam was distributed among the devotees, which more or
less always brings a bit of “mini disorder” in the hall since all the
devotees want the prasadam but the system of distributing the prasadam never
works with the overly eager or impatient devotees.
Also, today Swami didn’t come among the devotees but remained on the dais.
Swami’s physical frame is slowly and steadily recovering, Swami is
recuperating by means of physiotherapy. As an avatar Himself Swami can
completely heal Himself and has done so in the past. However, As Swami’s say
My life is my message! One has to understand and identify with that message.
It is only to make Dr’s and devotees around Swami, happy, that Swami
sometimes takes these treatments or measures to restore His health. In
reality Swami is above these physical ailments. Even in His previous body as
Shirdi Sai Baba, Bhagawan’s physical frame underwent many physical ailments,
in fact for many years Shirdi Baba’s [body] was unable to walk without the
support of devotees. Swami is playing His leela also in His present form and
we devotees can only pray to Swami to heal His body. Ultimately, it is His
Will, His command and His Wish.
© source - SBOI
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highlights of Swami's 2nd may discourse -click here
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photos - sourced from Heart to Heart::

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